Hi! I tried in debian 9, ubuntu 16.04, ubuntu 19.04 and latest fedora and worked fine for me. Could you try executing it from the console to see if some error arraises?
Hey, i'm sorry but cannot reproduce your problem.. i have a machine with pop os 18.04 on a x86_64 arch machine and works fine. Could you try downloading again? or try with a previous release: https://mega.nz/#!OjBDkAZJ!ob1xbEqsbi5s8k3RP_BYeikSnKYCwCm0wPL0pwfOrf4
Have you tried in other pc? I've tried in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and Pop Os and could not reproduce your issue.. sorry.
Hi, just to let you know, I had the same issue with 1.5 on Elementary OS 5.0 (Ubuntu 18.04.2 based) when downloaded through the Itch desktop app. Wouldn't launch through the Itch launcher, and trying to run it from a terminal gave me this output:
bash: /home/michael/.config/itch/apps/laigter/laigter-1.5-beta-x86_64.AppImage: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
Version 1.3 from that download link worked fine, so I went to the Itch website, and downloaded 1.5 through Firefox, instead of the Itch desktop app, and this time it worked!
So the issue might not be with your .AppImage, but with something that happens to it when downloaded through the Itch desktop app.