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Also, just some of my thoughts and questions. I'll try to make this short and to the point cause I know you are busy.

1. Is there a way to stay in the parallel world? I only had the option to go through the portal after getting all the gems. Each time I went back to a previous character in that realm I was not able to repeat being with them after their conversion. Unless I missed something.

1b. In the parallel world: The yellow chick after conversion looked nice. I think she was on the stairs. Some others as well but I forgot their names.

1c. In the parallel world: The two big daughters at the end were cool but more angles and positions would have been nice. Their conversion was good too. 

1d. In the parallel world: The fairy scenes were nice but the part where the main was duplicated into a fairy, again, would have been nice to see more angles and positions.

That's all for now. Thanks. :)

(2 edits)

My plan for Planet Zee is that you will be going back there. There is going to be a point where you will have multiple Harems and you will be able to freely go to whichever one you want and stay there or go back to another one. One will be planet zee. One will be the hotel and the house with garage will be the third. The future may be one too but not sure yet (time travel gets messy). There may be more but that is my plan for now. It is just going to take time. 

Also, I want to do this dungeon crawling thing on planet zee. A rogue like kind of thing in the pipes. You will have stats and these sexual finishing moves. I have already done a mock up. I don't know your age but it will be kinda like Wizardry but with fully animated walking around.