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Good job introducing the controls and interactions with items with the on-screen pop-up text.  This really helps the players learn the game and what to do!

I could tell a lot of work was put into this one, and it turned out great.  A couple small complaints, though.  I didn't like how far I had to go into the blue locked door area before finding the door.  I traversed a lot before knowing I'd need a key I didn't have and then had to backtrack a lot.  And then besides that, I think the edges of the screen where the player can transition need to be visually distinct in some way from those that the player can't (if you just make the ones you can't into walls, it solves this problem).  There were a few times where I thought I was going to walk into another screen, but it was just an invisible wall.

But overall very fun platformer!


Thanks for the feedback!

The main idea of the game was about exploration, so the going back and forth was part of the design. I tried to make the levels relatively short to make the exploration fun and not boring.

About the walls, I see what you mean, it should've been more clear where you can and can't go.