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A member registered Jan 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Golf With Your Friends PvP Enabled

Love the little squish animations on the balls!

I had a lot of fun with this one!  It gets hectic really fast lol

I love the detail of the planes nearing the ground as they approach the landing strip :)

Would love to see this expanded upon!

I didn't understand at first that the food tiles refilled the entire meter, so I was picking them up as soon as I saw them and then losing because I didn't see another one spawn in the next few tiles.  But once I had that figured it, I had no issues!

I think you could easily expand this to include more tiles types and resources as well as add some sort of goal the player is ultimately working towards.  I'd also like to see a right click or middle click mouse panning aside from just edge-of-screen scroll.

Simple, easy to understand exploration game!

Adding little combat minigames into a runner game is an interesting idea, but I kinda wish they were more integrated with the running rather than becoming their own little thing which pauses the main gameplay.  I'd also say that a lot of the hallways felt pretty barren with just a few things to avoid.  You may consider adding a bit more to them.

I also like the idea submitted by b4ux1t3 regarding adding a map that fills in over time.  When playing, it almost felt more like an endless runner which never ends rather than a maze with an exit somewhere that I need to find.

Interesting little adventure for a wizard to find himself on!  I wandered through the forest to the west and then the rest of the world to the east after getting some potions from TownA.  I did notice a few things seemed a little off.  Everything seems to be drawn above player, so like if you walk up to a tree from the south, the player looks like they're underneath the tree which seems a bit silly.  And some of the enemies when they move towards the player seem to get stuck on the walls (especially in the forest) which made them easy targets for my magic.

I would also suggest adding some sort of animation to the chest opening.  I opened a few and wasn't sure what I actually got from them!  I figured out it was more money, but it wasn't clear to me at first if there was an item in some inventory menu somewhere that I wasn't aware of.

Thank you for providing a map to the player.  The world is rather large and easy to get lost in without one.  Also neat background track!

Very silly barrel character!  I like them :)

Exploring the unknown tiles is interesting, but besides avoiding spikes once you see them (and memorizing the maps), survival kind of feels out of the player's control which makes the game seem less fun to me.  I think I'd prefer if there was some way to strategize your movements to avoid the spikes rather than blindly walking into them (maybe they're timed for example and poke up an down every other turn for example).

Might also be easier if the camera was a little bit more top-down.  It can be hard to see the tiles behind pillars sometimes!

A very creative idea!  Well executed and silly :)

I don't have anything to complain about.  I just wish it was longer!  I'm sure you have more ideas of things you could add.

Great fun, and very cute little bird companion throughout the exploring.  I enjoyed discovering the different landmarks in the environment and trying to place them on the map, but there were a couple I just couldn't quite seem to find the correct location for.  The 30s delay between tries does deter just spamming it, but I got to a point where I knew vaguely where they needed to go but couldn't quite seem to line them up.  As others have suggested, some sort of snapping or way to tell which way they need to move would be very helpful!

But marker placement issues aside, this was very fun!

Kind of reminds me of Spelunky which is cool!

The player moves pretty quick which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but since there's no run button, there isn't really a way to slow down and move more precisely.  I think something like that might be needed.  Also since the player moves so fast, it's a little hard to accurately hit the enemies with the sword swing.  I'm also not sure if the corner grabs are intentional or just a collision but, but they didn't seem the most consistent for me to determine either way.

But cool start to something!  The generation works really well.

That cyclops is strong!

This is a really cool game!  The concept of stitching together rooms of a dungeon and collecting gear along the way is really engaging.  And placing the rooms so you don't get stuck is a tricky puzzle depending on the pieces you get.

For some reason, I kept wanting to drag the rooms out of the hotbar at the bottom onto the screen rather than click and place.  Maybe that'd be a good alternative control scheme?  I'm also not sure if they can be put back after clicking on the wrong one.  If not, that might be a good thing to add.

Thanks for making this!  I had a lot of fun :)

Yeah, a skip-the-rest-of-the-time button is a feature I'm planning!

And it could be a screen resolution thing.  What's your OS and screen resolution?  There's also a full screen button from itch that you can press.  Does that help?

The best part of this was the shopkeeper dialogue lol

I found the controls a little difficult to work with.  The player didn't seem to move the way I expected with WASD, and I struggled with the middle mouse roll since it kept putting my browser into scroll-the-screen mode (even when fullscreen) and un-focusing the game.  I'd really appreciate a rebind for that one!

I kind of played the game in a semi-stealth fashion and snuck up behind the enemies to strike them which mostly worked well!  I'm not sure if I was supposed to be able to open the chests, but I never figured out the one at the start if so.

And you said you didn't have time to add it, but I would love to see some music and sfx added to this :)

It wasn't clear to me if the fish were just out randomly in the wilderness or if I needed to do something to find them.  I wandered a bit but didn't see any of them.  It would probably help if the player moved a bit faster.

I liked that I could walk behind the trees, though!

I was jamming for a while, but then the music stopped.  Seems it didn't have looping enabled :(

Unfortunate game-breaking bug aside where the map came pre-explored, you had a nice mechanic of stealthily taking out the guards throughout the world.  I'm thankful the wizard gave me an extra light source because it's certainly pretty dark at night time!

I would suggest making the health bar a little bit less intrusive in the screen, because it takes up a lot of screen real-estate when moving to the north.  And I see there's a score panel, but I don't know if it's really necessary for this kind of game.  But that's just my opinion on it.

Trial version I hear, so I won't be too harsh! :)

I liked how you embedded the controls in the world and introduced the key+door mechanic by making the player search their starting area before being able to proceed.  Though, for picking up the keys, I would've liked to have used the semi-default "interact" key of these sort of games, E, rather than left clicking.  Or even an auto-pickup.

Beyond that, the environment was nice, but the collision on some of the walls seemed a bit harsh.  I felt like I'd get stuck when I shouldn't sometimes if I got too close to walls.  And as another commenter suggested, adding some sort of puzzles would add a lot to the game and make the sections feel more unique!

Terraria started in a similar state :)

This is a good start to a game, and of course it needs a lot more content added to make it more engaging.  You may consider adding an inventory so the things the player collects can be stored somewhere or consider adding enemies so there is some sort of danger in the world.  Don't want to trek somewhere where you might die!

Assuming the code you have so far isn't too messy, there's a lot of room to expand your game!

A lot of fun little minigames here.  Though, it's a little hard to know what to do on a first playthrough seeing the games.  With such a short time to learn the rules and execute them, the player probably isn't going to do super well (maybe I'm just upset I lost the golf one twice...)

Interesting to explore the different asset packs in this way, but I kind of think I would've enjoyed some of these more if they were focused on and fleshed out.

(1 edit)

Made it to level 12!  I had a fun time with this one even if it gets a bit repetitive after a while and the only real difficulty scaling is the addition of more planes.  Maybe something to expand on is the addition of new plane types that fire differently or ground turrets that target the air.

I'd say my biggest complaint is the lack of a health bar.  It's hard to gauge how careful I need to be about getting attacked without any idea how close I am to exploding.  I noticed after reading some of the other comments that the smoke color changes, but I don't know if it's apparent enough to warrant no health bar.

Besides that, I will say that the little arrow indicators for the artifact positions are very well done and super helpful!

Also cool to see how someone else used the same tileset in their entry :)

The main theme is Spies And Lies by Joel Steudler, and the map screen is Mystical Loop #1 by Andrey Sitkov :)

I acquired these through Humble Bundle bundles over the past few years (the albums changed, so I don't have a link to Spy Action which the theme was part of)

Another idea: maybe moving the mouse left/right rotates the view left/right?  Might be better than arrow key rotation. (Though you'd probably want a mouse sensitivity slider in the options for this route!)

Thank you!

Hi!  Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem running the game on Mac computers.  I don't have a Mac to test on, so I wasn't able to catch that issue before the deadline.  

If you're on a Mac, I'll be uploading a Mac-specific version after the judging period ends.  Apologies for that!  If you're on Windows, I believe all Chrome, Edge, and Firefox should work.

Is it possible you'll get a map where no houses need to be marked.  In that case, you just hit Submit on the empty map!
And if you pass 4 levels, the next set of 4 will be a larger map, so make sure you explore all of it!

(1 edit)

There's a good basis for exploration here, but unfortuately I don't think there's much more to it than lucky dice rolls.  Pick the wrong rooms and roll badly?  You're going to lose.  Pick the right rooms and roll well?  You're going to win.  In the current state of the game, the player doesn't have enough choices they strategically make to influence the outcome which brings this game down.

Exploring crossed with typing is an interesting combination!  I made a typing themed game last Kenney Jam, so it was cool to see one this jam as well!

I do think that word mode is easier to play than random letter mode.  I had to think a lot more about where the letters were on the keyboard for sequences like "sjf" and "fld" and "kjs" than the word equivalent.  So I could definitely recommend just switching to words instead!

I'm sure you could expand the gameplay further by having to type words over enemies to attack them with fireball spells or something of that sort :)

Hey, I'm proud of the effort you put into this project, but it definitely feels like just a beginner programming tutorial.  Not to assume, but if it was, I hope you'll continue on your game dev journey and come up with some ideas of your own for your next project! Everyone has seen this sort of game before, so it isn't the most exciting.

The character swap idea opens up a lot of possibilities here in what is certainly not a tiny world.  There's quite a lot here!  At the same time, it can feel kind of cramped at times.  I'm sure you wanted this free world to explore because of the jam theme, but I think having each "section" of the world being its own individual platformer level would probably be more digestible and less overwhelming for the player.

Wasn't expecting a flying car, but I dig it.  And a nice little city landscape you built there!

I would say I would enjoy a "fly faster" button to get around a bit quicker in-between deliveries.  Additionally, the compass is super helpful, but after dropping off one of the deliveries, the arrow points back to one I've done already until the package hits the ground.  I'd like if there was a way to see where the other locations are at the same time so that I could start flying towards them instead of waiting for the package to hit the ground and then updating my direction.

But neat idea!

First let me say the How To Play screen story and animation were great lol

I kind of lost track of time while playing and was presented with a game over screen jumpscare.  It wasn't until I played again that I remembered the time limit existed.  Perhaps making it change colors or flash in some way when time is almost out so it catches the player's attention?

I'm also not sure if it was a bug or not, but if there were multiple arrows for things to examine in range at once, I could only check one of them, and the others would all disappear (ex: around the plants).  I don't know if it actually checked all of them but only showed one or if only one was checked and the rest became inaccessible in the process.

Overall, a cool idea and a funny backstory :)

Got 22 points!  I'm not sure if there's a way to get more than that since there only looked to be 3 wells which each gave 6 buckets of water.

I have the same complaints as some of the other comments here.  The menuing to give the water to the plants is rather cumbersome and could be achieved with much fewer clicks.  I was also kind of confused when I started what I was actually supposed to do.  Perhaps having the buttons to spray the plants grayed out until they have water in their box would help.  I did a round mostly just clicking those buttons and seeing nothing happen  because I didn't know about the wells yet.

Good job introducing the controls and interactions with items with the on-screen pop-up text.  This really helps the players learn the game and what to do!

I could tell a lot of work was put into this one, and it turned out great.  A couple small complaints, though.  I didn't like how far I had to go into the blue locked door area before finding the door.  I traversed a lot before knowing I'd need a key I didn't have and then had to backtrack a lot.  And then besides that, I think the edges of the screen where the player can transition need to be visually distinct in some way from those that the player can't (if you just make the ones you can't into walls, it solves this problem).  There were a few times where I thought I was going to walk into another screen, but it was just an invisible wall.

But overall very fun platformer!

As others have mentioned, there's the obvious issues with the camera and things clipping.  

I enjoyed the music and atmosphere established here, but it became kind of hard to tell where I was going in some parts due to lack of landmarks (like am I moving or driving against an invisible wall endlessly and need to turn around?).  The suggestion for a dynamic camera or a way to zoom-in/out would probably help here!

I was really confused what this game wanted me to do.  At first I fell off the boat and sank to the bottom of the ocean.  Then on restarting I managed to get in the boat and sailed past the little glowing marker.  There didn't seem to be anything out there in the world, so I came back and hit the marker to discover it introduced me to a fish.  At that point, I understood, but it took me a bit to get there.

I think the pixel screen effect is cool, but it at the same time makes it difficult to see what's going on.  When you're a bit far from the glowing circles, they're almost impossible to see due to the pixel effect.

Besides finding the fish and some funny captions, I'm not sure if there was more to see.

I enjoy Minesweeper, but this variation of it has some issues.  It's really difficult to control where you're moving, and the player can fall right off of the map.  And respawns can spawn the player onto a bomb tile (often multiple times which is just back to back "you lose" messages).  Also, I'm not sure if there's a jump button, but once I've filled out a large section of the map, there doesn't seem to be a good way to get around where I'm pretty sure a bomb is (though it's hard to really deduce this beyond guessing from the lack of Minesweeper's typical flood fill of safe tiles).  

I would suggest working on fixing these things and then seeing what players think.

Pretty interesting!  The movement system and animations are well done.  I like how clear the weapon AOE tiles are displayed.  Very easy to follow what's happening!  Though I don't think I'm the best at this one lol

There's a fun puzzle aspect to figuring out where to stand to attack the enemies without getting attacked yourself.  Though, I think the options are rather limited until you find enough weapons to arm yourself.  Maybe starting off the player with a weak form of a few would be a good way to introduce them to the mechanics while also still feeling good about finding the upgrade tiers?

It took my a few attempts before I understood that I needed to bring the candies back to the starting point to increase my fuel rather than getting a fuel refill as I was sailing.  Once I figured that out, everything made a lot more sense!

I had some troubles sailing through some of the narrow passages since the boat seemed to get stuck trying to turn to fit through them.  You might need to play with the hitbox a little to make those smoother or auto-rotate the player ship to make it easier :)

Good choice of music!

Quite impressive writing in this one!  A large variety of different events to encounter as a player.  It definitely stays interesting for a while.

On the gameplay side, I think there are a few things that can be improved.  If you happen into an unlucky loadout, the combat is pretty flat with only the option to attack.  On my first playthrough, all I had was an apron before being ambushed by a wizard who kept dodging my attacks and out-damaging me.  My successive attempts were much better by ways of having more equipment.  Though, I'd frequently have the option of picking up a new equippable and replacing one I already had.  It was hard to judge these decisions as I didn't know what the new thing would do until I accepted the option to take it, it replaced my old gear, and I opened my inventory to look at its effects.  I would suggest letting the player read the effects of the item before they make the decision to replace what they already have.  I think that'd really improve the decision making!

I've seen some comments reporting a bug where the map you have to mark the houses on did not match the map you flew around over in the plane.  I haven't been able to reproduce this after a few dozen maps.  If anyone can provide screenshots/video of this bug, I'd appreciate it!

Hi!  If you were trying to play on a Mac, the game might not work for you.  I'll be uploading a Mac downloadable version after the jam judging period ends.

Otherwise, if you have any details on what broke, I'd love to hear them so I can look into fixing it!

Oh gotcha.  I got into the 40s but must not have hit 50 then :)