Hey thanks, yeah I totally ran out of time thanks to having to spend a whole day on a mechanic I thought was sorted 3 days before the jam finish. I did have a mobile joystick over the stick but it was flicking between up and down too much so removed it in favour of left and right arrows. But the arrows only show up on mobile. Being able to use UI buttons for PC was left there on purpose was originally for the mobile build which uses them. Really appreciate the feedback, and YES you are the first to mention the infinite time bug he he, I just wasn't able to figure out how to fix that, its to do with player freeze being disabled when you come out of the portal, the freeze is triggered at turn end. So I needed to have a check that looked for the if its not that characters turn, then don't unfreeze (or freeze again) when exiting the portal. All stuff I'll make sure to build into our "Fully Loaded" version next week. Oh and the idea behind turn based, was to couple a countdown timer and the turns to create pressure on the player later in the game.