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A member registered Oct 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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LMG was great although almost too easy, would be good if it over heated and had a cooldown or something. Could I get the beam weapon earlier in level 3? Would love to take out some mechs with that thing :)

Ah ok thanks, yeah there is a trigger collider that detects the player, it also interferes with rockets. I need to set up a layermasks. I do also think lightening bolts might stop rockets but maybe I can keep the base venerable to rocket hits though. If it doesn't flicker red on the sprite probably no damage was done

Thanks for the feedback! Only pulse hurts them,  I like to use jetpack to hover above or below them, Ill look at how to teach the player more effectively.

Sorry I realised after when I did my highlight video it was on rails. I was up long hours and must have mistaken what I thought at the end when you go up high, I thought it was letting me free roam. I would love to play future version thanks!

(1 edit)

No worries! I only started Game dev 3 years ago and had zero coding knowledge. I did do a diploma of VR/AR development but it's not so hard once you know a few key things. If you do decide you want to give it go DM me and I'm happy to point you in the right direction. A game like this in VR would be very immersive! Congrats on your placing btw, that's a really good ranking well done!!

Will do thanks!

Yes spot on capsule collider for players is what you would normally use so it doesn't get stuck. That's amazing, if you are interested reach out to me on discord or grab my email from my portfolio (linked on our game page). I can connect you with some audio people if you want.

Oh yeah this one takes me way back to PlayStation 1 and 2 mech games. Well done, at first I thought the drill things were blimps with bad AI running into buildings, until I saw some buildings disappear! Seeing the bullet shots on the walls was a really good added touch.  My main issue was it was too easy, the animations were great, the shooting felt awesome and sounded on point. I questioned though how I had infinite ammo with the Gatling gun and would have liked to have used xp to resupply if I was being too trigger happy, or maybe even have it overheat and not be able to spool for a while if you just hold down shoot. I upgraded the Gatling gun to full speed first and was  obliterating the opponents. I only had 10 mins to play as my lunch is over and I still wanted to write the feedback, I prefer a shorter game for jams, especially when I'm trying to play 100 of them, but if I had more time I would have played this one longer. The solo efforts have been special, nothing against the teams at all (I was leading one) but this is up there at the top of the solo games for me, hats off to you!

Thanks so much, my lunch break is about to end but I have time to test one more :D Looks like I haven't been able to get to your one yet! Oh yes that is a bug, it's to do with the portal exit unfreezing the character after then have been frozen by the end of turn. Unless you hit resume and trigger the next turn there is no way for the freeze to happen again in this build. Really appreciate the feedback cheers!

Thank you so much, that is very kind. I'll pass on the feedback to the team they will be very pleased. We are glad you played thanks again!

Really enjoyable game and congrats on being featured by itch that amazing! The audio, animations and art theme were all on point, it was cool how the squad could follow and catch up. For a solo effort you killed it, the narrative was really good too and everything felt really polished! I got a bit stuck where it said I needed to hit the wall with a missile, but we only had blasters. It was also a bit long for me as I'm super short on time and have been trying to play all the jam entries, any games over 10 minutes to play it's a bit hard for me to keep going as that prevents me playing multiple other games and being able to give people feedback. I also had to get used to stopping before I should shoot or dash, it took me a while to figure that out, but once I had I could adapt pretty fast. Great work on this entry, I'm sure you will do well!

(2 edits)

Hey thanks, yeah I totally ran out of time thanks to having to spend a whole day on a mechanic I thought was sorted 3 days before the jam finish. I did have a mobile joystick over the stick but it was flicking between up and down too much so removed it in favour of left and right arrows. But the arrows only show up on mobile. Being able to use UI buttons for PC was left there on purpose was originally for the mobile build which uses them. Really appreciate the feedback, and YES you are the first to mention the infinite time bug he he, I just wasn't able to figure out how to fix that, its to do with player freeze being disabled when you come out of the portal, the freeze is triggered at turn end. So I needed to have a check that looked for the if its not that characters turn, then don't unfreeze (or freeze again) when exiting the portal. All stuff I'll make sure to build into our "Fully Loaded" version next week. Oh and the idea behind turn based, was to couple a countdown timer and the turns to create pressure on the player later in the game.

Thanks for playing! Ah the jetpack has to be turned on and off, it runs out of power, I'll build this into training when I update it. There is supposed to be a boost bar but I had issues getting it working so I removed it and totally get why that would be confusing. Cheers for the feedback!

Ok no worries look like I misunderstood what PICO-8 is thanks for clarifying. Yeah agreed that doesn't need to be mentioned, I thought it was an engine on top of an application like Unity or Godot, you learn something new every day :P Sorry I haven't exactly had much time to check on things like this last few days as I've been trying to get as many games tested as possible outside of work. 

Ok I was able to get it working this time! The gun looked almost like it was just a 2D sprite, I would expect some width in it. Initially I was trying to shoot from the start point and having trouble with the projectile hitting the bottom edge of the gap to the target room. Once I realised I could get in there, I took out the targets quickly but nothing else happened,  was it supposed to trigger a game over or round over or something? The jumping was a little off (floaty) for me and I was getting caught on some colliders, like stairs. But the mech looked nice and so did the targets and target room, I also enjoyed the music. Good work on your entry!

I like reading, especially scifi but it felt like it was a bit too comprehensive for a jam. Being a wiki though I get it and it makes sense. I would have liked more pictures and audio, having some images blocked due to content restrictions was a nice touch. The written content was engaging, interesting and written well. Very original type of concept, well done! I also liked the style of text, and the background, the way the hyperlinks worked, good effort for yourself and the team!

I have tried again and I still can't get it to work. Even downloading the .dll straight to the game folders. It's odd as I can others have been able to get it going. Maybe next time make sure the .dll is zipped with the other game files, it's unusual to have them seperated.

Fantastic storytelling well done, and while I felt like it ended a little unexpectedly I was actually glad of the length as it's a jam entry. Second time I played I choose to sleep and that was a really cool twist on the story. The images and sounds and timing were all great, for a visual novel this was really enjoyable for me. I really love the artwork as well! Another excellent solo entry.

Buggie and I were able to have a pvp match  and wow, so fun. It would have been off the charts if we had another 1 or 2 people. If you can try this game with others, sooo good!!

Thanks for letting me know, I'd just suggest you update your assets used as I says no 3rd party assets and I would have thought something being used as a game engine is classed as an asset. Certainly if you can't do the programming yourself feels like it should be mentioned. It's not going to change my vote, and I loved your game! I just feel like it's the right thing to do, especially for all those people out there with much lower quality entries because they took the hard road of coding everything themselves (we used Corgi Engine ourselves).

Sure I tried F but I'll give it another go during the day today for you.

Ah I think I see what you are saying, you didn't have a download file before. Hmmm ok I'll play your game via the openGL game I guess. 

Ok well if you could please open up the original file (you can do this by unhiding it in itch history) I will happily play and vote on your game. I don't think it's ok that people should just have to trust the content has remained the same because someone says so. I trust what I see not what people say, and if I file says it was updated two days ago, how am I to know it's just a zip? Yes multiple people have done this and I have not played their game or votes and I have left feedback. I don't mind if it was updated 5-6 days ago as there were extensions. But I draw the line at 2 days ago as that is just way too much time for people to do extra work and it's very unfair for everyone else.

I did download the DLL and put it in the folder but it didn't work :( I'll try again today during the day for you.

Ok considering it was 5 days ago, an not 2 days like some of the other people in this jam I'll give it shot during the day today and vote. Thanks for replying to me and clarifying, I know there were some extensions, and yes bug fixing for unplayable games was allowed although some people seem to have taken this to the extreme and updated their projects within the last 1-2 days not leaving the original files there to play/vote on.

(1 edit)

Hi I understand if people update it to be in a playable state 6 days ago, maybe even 4-5 days ago. But not 2 days before the end of voting. That means you had an extra 4-5 days to everyone else and I'm sorry but I just don't think that's fair on the other entrants, especially as you can do a LOT more than just make it playable in that time. After voting I'll have a go and give you some feedback, I know how important it is for being able to improve. But I would still like people to remember that this is ultimately a competition, and a competition should have rules that are fair to everyone who has entered. And based on the feedback from Dungeon 3 days ago it was playable!

Well done, for your first jam entry that's some top notch stuff, way better then my first entry that's for sure! I like the way you have combined resource gathering with a swarm mechanic, the UI & animations were good and the art theme consistent. Allowing the player to choose map size and seed was a great touch, and I loved the entry into the game although on replaying it, some people will probably want to be able to skip/speed that up. I wasn't really sure what to do with the green blocks, gold was obvious as it counted up. It made sense to me that the enemies damaged me outside the mech, didn't quite make sense that they did lots of damage when I was in it too, having them jump up onto the mech or some story that explains how they are able to damage the mech would have made it make more sense for me. Fun and inventive entry, excellent work to you and your team! 

Thank you, appreciate the detailed feedback it helps so much! Yes 100% the freeze needed to work differently and the conveyer belts may need to actually be removed in hindsight. Also if you took a look at the Evil character you would only have 3 lives instead of 5. This was actually a bug and not intended (bug with the game manager). I had to hack Corgi's standard mechanics a bit to get the turn based play we wanted and I wasn't able to figure out in the time we had how to stop it showing the enemies turn, this is why we only had two enemies per level, I wanted to add some turrets that didn't take turns and just kind of did a one shot before destroying when the player was in range but ran out of time. We definitely needed more explanation on controls which are fairly simple but maybe hard to figure out unless you played the mobile version where the buttons on the UI were more obvious.

Thanks for playing out game!

Thanks so much for the feedback, really helps to make things better! Good to know regarding initilize thanks, no you are correct regarding how the mech squads work. We pivoted half way through as prototype testing feedback wasn't great. So I only had a week to build it, I thought the turn based mechanic was sorted a few days out but I had failed to test it properly (only tested with one squad member and it bugged out when I added another). So two days out I had to pull an all nighter to get the core mechanic working (it still has a bug where if you do the right thing you can bypass the player freeze outside their turn). That left me with less than two full days to build everything outside the initial training scene and start menus, I just ran out of time to add polish, an extra day would have been quite a different product. Initilize comes up when it loads between a scene in Unity, it was my first time using Corgi Engine so there was a bunch of stuff I had to figure out on the fly, not the greatest thing to do during a jam he he

Nice submission, I liked the intro. I could keep on jumping all the way to the roof, I'm not sure if that was because I could fly or jump wasn't working properly. The shooting was nice and I liked the look of the mech but the movement felt a bit off and the mouse was super sensitive for me. The camera was going through the walls quite a bit which was distracting. It also felt like some sound effects were coming from a 2D audio source (a mech kind of sound) that may have been better as 3D coming the mech that made it. Well done on your entry, it was a big scene!

I'm sorry I can't play/vote for your game as you updated it 2 days ago after voting has started. There are a few people who have done this and it's not fair to all of the people who still have broken games because they followed the rules.

Sorry I can't play for vote for you game as you updated it during voting. It's not fair on the other entries.

I'm sorry but you updated you game after voting started so I can't play/vote for it. It's not fair on everyone else that followed the rules.

Well done, a very inventive way to repurpose a mechs weapon systems! The artwork and audio was great, I think I didn't put enough toppings on my first one and I put it in the oven and it disappeared and had a tiny cook bar stuck. Second one worked. Took me a bit to get the hang of it but once I did I was able to bake like a beast! Good work on your entry!

I can't seem to get it to play :(

Great work I love your itch page! The artwork and music is great. The 3D model and movement/firing are all on point as well. There were some issues with the scene design, the centre thing's collider was letting the player inside the mesh. And at the edges you can see the end of the skybox, Id have preferred the walls set a bit further in. When the large mechs come in they create an overlapping stomp/shaking that feels a bit strange. Overall It looked really great and was a good team entry, well done to you and the team!

Cool game, I had some frame rate issue though, It may be because of the large draw distance. The scene looked great, the sounds and music was good too well done!

Great work to you and your team. The steering could use a bit of work but I got it fast, racing games are my thing he he it was just way too easy for me the shooting could have used some better feedback and reticule felt off but the graphics were great and the framerate smooth on my old setup.  Somtimes I lost all my momentum, over jumps I think, or anytime I left the track. I really liked the music, SFX and the track, I especially liked the start menu, it looked really good. I wasn't sure how many laps I was supposed to do, would have been good to have a lap max number in the counter. Some of the AI racers were getting stuck but you pretty decent AI that mostly stayed in the track and could over take the player. hats off to you and the team, this is also another game Id love to see in VR, I was doing a game call WreckRace that would go well with a track like this!

Wow that was great, the fighting and feel was good. I was button mashing like crazy. It felt good when hitting and being hit well done!