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OK, StLD seems to have been released while I was sleeping, sadly didn't get to play it in the first second....🥺

Twice End 3, Once End 2, Once End 1... Have to say,, If I follow my own rules and invest myself in Arc2's Genzou as much as possible and think like him, I'll definitely getting End 3.

Yep, cuz I played OW, OFW, and T2A2G early on, and have been an active follower of Carrot on tumblr and twitter, I do know what this episode is doing. In the main game, Genzou killed Orlam so StLD's true ending should be End 2, I have to say it's,, to difficult for me perhaps. After playing I know, if I want to secure Iggy, I need to "go along" with every choice Orlam made.

That's,, difficult, I shall say...

ESPECIALLY HERE, DEAR CARROT! I had to admit, I'm not as stoic as Genzou (of course if I were in his shoes I might be able to be, after all, Iggy's life is truly in Orlam's hands, AND I DON'T HAVE A DO-OVER like playing games), so I'm possibly tempted to go for the "against" option every time a line against Iggy comes up and, especially with the above picture, it's really hard for me to go for the " Yes, Sir"... (And it did lead me to my second End 3)

I was actually, aside from my instinctive reluctance to say that, I was actually very afraid that in case I stayed submissive, Genzou would be COMPELLED like Iggy from Arc3 and leave Iggy... It's a worst ending I could imagine with my poor brain.

Thank god Genzou didn't lose his mind and kill Orlam the moment he puts him briefly off guard, then picks up where the main game Arc2 lastly left off, albeit about to be killed by Bucks.

Ah ha, by the way, it's such a surprise about the pretty text bubbles, the accurate use of animation, and the great ui! And like T2A2G, after one end we will get A NEW MAIN SCREEN, and HERE'S THREE!!! Thank you for so much work, please take care to rest!!!

Very happy to see Genzou's determination and love for Iggy!!! Though it's Orlam's home turf... Looking forward to OW's Arc5 Part2!!! LOL

HELP YOU DON'T NEED TO PLAY IT RIGHT WHEN IT COMES OUT??? LDKJAFSLDKFA that means a lot that you were so excited to play tho... 😭💕

LMAO IT'S TRUE THOUGH. I feel like the "canon" ending is the hardest one to force yourself to do, all things considered... something something perhaps supposed to mimic how hard it was for Genzou, too. LOL THAT LINE IS INDEED DIFFICULT.

Oh god I can't even imagine a case like that where Genzou would go completely along with it 🤣💦 I'm not sure something like that could ever happen. Both because of how strong his feelings for Iggy are and the fact that Wonderland itself has never really gotten a hold of him like it has the others (maybe because of his stubbornness... who can say LOL)

I'm glad you liked all the UI and speech bubble and animation stuff!! I had a lot of fun trying out some new things and experimenting with different stuff. That's one thing I love about these tiny games is getting to try stuff I don't have the chance to in the main game (and also try to get more skilled at UI-related stuff hahaha). LOL I NEEDED THE CHANGING TITLE SCREEN AS I FEEL LIKE IT'S A CORE COMPONENT OF THE GAME. Like sure it works without them... but I felt like having the new title screen each time you get an ending would make everything hit harder. Especially with that being the only way I could add those kinds of details within the limitations of the jam. I'm glad you liked them, tho!

Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to write up such a long, lovely comment! I really liked hearing your thoughts and reactions!! And thank you I will keep working hard lkajdfla I hope to having something new to share soon in the coming weeks! 🥰

Actually I can imagine that Genzou go along with the case, just after I gave this comment.. Since one perspective of mine in this comment seems to be wrong -- "AND I DON'T HAVE A DO-OVER like playing games". After each arc, Iggy will at least have little memory about the past ones, so I think Genzou shall be the same??🤔

Ok my point is that,, I think Genzou and Iggy might have gone through Arc2 a million times and Genzou didn't succeed in getting Orlam to drop his guard, so never hit canon ending each time before. Ugh.. This might be a question why Iggy will still be going to the castle in the "Arc2s" with having the "memeories"? 😧

Well, it seems so contradictory, but after thinking about this step, I remembered another game I played before. "Raging loop" on steam, in each reincarnation, the main character will basically only have sudden memories when he meet major choices  (mostly memories of failing after choosing the wrong one). So it's no surprise to me that the death loop has resulted in this level of memory fragmentation (Though OW might not be this setting... I think it's still all right🤣). Just like "Raging loop", It's quite normal for me that chars only remembers key events. 

I feel like I may not have expressed my thoughts very clearly💦 For me, whether Genzou accomplished the canonical ending in one sitting, or reached it after numerous failures, it proves to me that he was able to suppress himself in the matter of Iggy, and look for what he thought would help Iggy the most.

(It's just what he's been doing for over a decade though, suppressing himself, after he had a crush on this cute white rabbit since high school🥹😢😭)

That's a great point actually -- since one thing I kinda wanted to get across with the multiple endings of this is that all of these endings may truly have happened in canon and we just didn't see them. Similar to like, the game overs you can get in the main game -- it was a path that was taken that ultimately ended up in Iggy dying so it reset, and probably there are 100s of these paths that we just don't see because it would be too ridiculous and boring to write/play them all LMAO And perhaps some of those different paths were a result of choices the other characters made, not just Iggy. I JUST THINK THAT'S A COOL THING TO THINK ABOUT.

I don't go into it too much, but my idea was mostly that they just gradually remember more and more with each loop. That's why they have the most "weirded out" deja vu moments in Arc 4 since they've done it many times by this point.

Reading this made me think more about how Ending 2...ends. As Genzou does the deed, the question arises: for whom does he weep? Iggy, for having to deny and demean his one true love? Orlam, for whom he shockingly feels sorry for? Both?

...just good writing and imagery throughout, but man that little detail is amazing.

When I was playing Arc2, because of the lack of detail, I was like Genzou was crying over the fact that he killed his friend Orlam. (Though Genzou treat Orlam so bad, I do think he maybe, maybe think Orlam is a friend of his)

So complicated, just like Carrot said. Or maybe it's crying for Iggy who finally could be out of the painful situation he's in? Crying for being able to save his dearest love? Or similar to what I said in the first paragraph, Genzou cried for killing one who he had been bullying at best, but had never thought of letting him actually die.

Complicated, that's why it's called a story, right?


I am glad you enjoyed that detail and its... mmm... ambiguity. One of those things I probably won't ever expand on so I'll allow people to make their own interpretations (I do love things that can be interpreted in multiple ways ldkjfas) 🤭

Hhhhh thank you for the lovely words... 🥺💕