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I thought the gameplay was really strong, I liked all the different puzzles and I liked that there was a variety between that and chases. I did think the chases here were a little weaker than in "There is Something in the Anderghast Mine", I think just because that game had more of a focus on chases so those chases tended to be a little longer and were more unique from one another, that's how I feel anyways. But I enjoyed the puzzles more in this one!

The one thing I didn't like so much was how large the spaces were, within one room or hallway wasn't too bad but because you have to backtrack through a lot of areas I found it a little tedious to do all that walking, especially near the end when I was trying to get the different endings. I would have appreciated some unlockable shortcuts, or just having the maps be a bit smaller if there isn't another reason for them to be so large. I think this style is fine though for other types of games where you don't backtrack as much, just here it was much more noticeable.


I liked the story, it was pretty cheesy, but that's pretty fitting for the 80s horror vibe.


Presentation I felt like was very good! I appreciated all the little effects like the CRT filter and other effects. My favorite has to be the mural that looks at you when you're turned away, that was pretty awesome.


This game is certainly pretty creative. I think certain puzzles were similar to ones I'd seen before, but I still enjoyed them so I didn't mind too much.


Horror was pretty decent, I definitely had more than enough different death animations to choose from! I think, not a horror problem exactly but because you backtrack so much in this game I was wondering if there might be more effects in some of the hallways like how you see at the beginning- lights turning off, things falling over, people chasing you, etc. Like maybe if you receive a certain item, it unlocks something somewhere so that when you travel to an area to use that item you receive a new scare you didn't have before, or something like that. 

I only bring it up because I saw a lot of these littler scares early on in the game, but the more I explored the less and less they showed up. By the end of the game, the house felt weirdly empty because of this.


There is a family, and they have some secrets! I think I would have liked if the game was a bit more clear on which secrets were explicitly secrets or not, if that makes sense. Like, the family does scary things, but for most of the game they're pretty open about it.


I was a little frustrated at the beginning because of how often I died and because I wasn't always sure what to do, but once I got into the groove of it and memorized more of the house it became a pretty enjoyable game, especially once I got to more of the puzzle sections. Thanks for making it!

My only question is- what is the code on the mirror for?? I was never able to figure it out...

Thank you so much for playing and for all your feeback ghostinthegame! I agree with your points!

I played and rated your game (Red Tape) last week. I apologize for not leaving feedback (I really hate leaving feedback...or I'm too lazy). But honestly, compared to Mine (your last jam game), the improvement was AMAZING, and I personally think Red Tape deserves to win this jam, it was a great experience. And I absolutely love the graphics! I had already told you in the discord server how amazing your art style is! So I'll be rooting for Red Tape haha!

The code was for a drawer on the second floor

Thanks!! No worries about the feedback either, I like doing it but I understand it's not everyone's thing.

And honestly concerning Mine, I was pretty inspired by the other games in the jam (including your's!) and I tried to take a lot of the constructive criticism that people gave me and turn it into something better this time.

I appreciate your support! Though to be honest, I still think your games are a lot cooler than mine. All things considered, I did have fun playing A House for Alessa. It was very different from your last game, but there's always so much to explore in your games and I always get excited to play them. I'll have to check out your other ones, including A House for Alessa 2!

Thank you! But you shouldn't say that! Every dev and their games are unique, so I wouldn't say my games are cooler. The dedication and amount of detail you put in Red Tape is truly amazing, and it shows you have an amazing potential as a game dev. Also, you are really good at making psychological horror (at times, Red Tape reminded me of Silent Hill) which is probably the hardest type of horror to produce!

Oh, thank you! I'm still very new to game development so I'm still trying to figure things out, haha.