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Honestly...I was rather confused with this one.  Other than going from house to house, I had no idea what I was supposed to do.  There was no narrative other than the text in the first house.  I collected coins but to what purpose?  Not being able to save was not cool.  That being said, this game has a very childlike innocence to it.  It was like a mish mash of ideas which was neat.  It's definitely different, not much gameplay, but I enjoyed the world and wondering what I might find behind each door.


Fair enough. I can't argue with those criticisms, and I appreciate your honesty.

The reason why the game feels so aimless is because it's very incomplete, but I'd rather submit an early build than nothing at all, ya know?

Yeah, in hindsight I agree that I should've added save points or something, but for some reason it didn't occur to me at the time... guess I'll save that for the next update.

Thanks for playing, Kumachan! And thanks for your feedback. 👍