Thank you for playing and unlocking the achievements, as for the flying saucer issue, it needs to fly above terrain or falls (had a fix that would bring you back onto the H pad, might be a check mark that was missed) due to time constraints, loosing half the project, salvaging it back.
The explore mode was going to have more, but ran into more issuse that had to fix or no game would be released, made some cuts.
In regular game, for the longest time the player would just go through the fence,that took a week to fix.
I do appreciate the insight on what I could include or not, the timer is stopped when you pause, had a few other issuse dealing with timing issuse to fix I just had it set active off and on.
If any item get out or fall they return to there starting position. So same with bones, key, socks (the socks can get stuck but do go back to there starting point, a matter of timing and grabbing).
A devlog on some of the process, issuse, fixes that were made, I added to show it was not smooth tailing (sailing).
A lot was under the collar of that underdog Sky.
I will take what I can improve on to make the next project or game and take it to new heights.
I wanted to add an intro with a tutorial on the controls (3d scripts can be a little fussy). Make way more item to interact with. Walks you would go on, etc.
Thank you for the feedback. I wish you the best in your game dev journey too.