Thanks for the feedback! Let me work my way through it here...
-I definitely agree that it's a bit hard to see. Unfortunately there isn't an easy fix to this. I could simply turn the dynamic lighting off as an option, but then it would look...very bad. Like if you've every seen an unlit/flatlit 3d render. A lot of it comes down to careful decisions made in terms of art direction, and the unfortunate reality is that unlike with a real-time 3d game, once the assets are "baked" it would take an enormous effort to go through and re-do them all.
For what it's worth, it is on my mind, and I do what I can to make things at least a little better. IMHO GT is considerably better/more easy to see than CS1 was, and I've done a number of things to make it so: the "darkness" in GT is lighter than in CS1, and the mobs have stylized outlines to try to make them pop.
I will say, however, that if your main concern is simply seeing Mezz's sprite against the background that is a quick and easy fix: I can just set up a toggle to have the dynamic lighting give a bit of a glow to his sprite. I avoided doing this for style reasons, but for people who have actual impaired sight I could certainly add it as an option.
A lot of my replies here boil down to "We'll get there," but to share more specifics:
1. It would be neat to have a scene for the initial brainwashing, yes. And for that matter some cool shots for the opening and endings. But art is "expensive," in both time and effort, and so it has to follow a strict hierarchy of importance. Would you rather have art for that scene, at the cost of only two VHS scenes instead of three? Relative to other scenes that needed to be done, it was low-priority, so it was relegated to text-only. The bottom line is that some scenes would be NICE to have art for, and some HAVE to have art. The latter obviously get made first.
Might I make it in the future? Maybe, but I have another 3 packs of content, with actual scenes in them, and I think most people want to see that first. And then it will probably be on to Chapter 3. But maybe at some point I'll be able to fill those out.
2 and 3. I think I should clarify in case you don't know: A big chunk of the game is still being produced. As such, the "ending" for Slut Mode isn't the real ending: the game just re-directs you to the normal ending for now. So you're correct, you should be dissatisfied. I'm working on the CG/Art for the first pack right now, and it includes the stuff for that ending. Same story with work at the club (if you mean the host club, not the undergound club/party. That was always intended as an alternative to the final fighting gauntlet before Khazeem. It is "work" of a kind, more undercover scheming that can go wrong, but for those who want more genuine, tangible whoring mechanics, that will be coming later in ANOTHER pack (although not for the host club).
But yes, there will definitely be more Bad Ends to come. Standard structure for all these chapters is that there's always 3 ends: Good, Trained, and Bad (where he doesn't escape). As well as some dead-ends before reaching the boss. So it'll take some time, but they're in-progress.
Meanwhile, let me know if that glow around Mezz would help you, and I'll whip up a test version to see how it works for you.