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(2 edits) (+2)

ACKKKKK THIS WAS SO LOVELY, I played this Orlam dating sim so many times, it was simply a perfectly executed experience!! (Even though sdsdfsdf these two are really the worst people to date each other sdfsfs) 

WOW THIS IS SUCH AN INCREDIBLE, EXTREMELY POLISHED GAME?! Someone must stop you carrot, you can't keep getting away with this!! Truly your games make use of Ren'py in ways that I didn't think were possible! There was so much thought put into EVERY SINGLE DETAIL - From the content warning screen (mimicking a movie/theater ticket) to the lovely, elegant logo to the change of the title screen after the ending to the slight shake of the menu during one of the endings...(Even the itch page looks simply IMMACULATE)

All of the little visual effects are SO INCREDIBLE, I'm simply in awe! The intro sequence - starting from darkness, focusing on Orlam's eyes, before the "lights come on" and the music starts to play and you start to dance...I loved the swaying during the dancing animation, it was so immersive (while also not being too distracting, imo). All of the little text animations added so much dynamicism too! And (spoilers) the progression on Orlam's sprite during Ending 1 was TRULY FRIGHTENING. All in all this entry made use of O2A2's limitations SO CREATIVELY that I really don't think that you could have done it any better!

Your writing is simply my favorite, I adore it so much!! Especially your dialogue, this entry was full of IMPECCABLY written banter that was so fun to read and chock-full of character at the same time! Orlam's sprite was deliciously drawn, I really do love seeing his different expressions. And the little meat flowers on the start screen were so funny and clever! I also really enjoyed the use of the music track, and appreciated when you turned it on and off to fit the mood of the scene. 

SPOILERS The character writing in this (and in OW in general) is so well-done. Oftentimes I am blinded by Genzou bias because of how good he is for Iggy, but then I remember how bad he can be, too, and this entry highlighted that. Even though Orlam is the "aggressor" and the "one in control," he's strangely vulnerable while putting on a strong front, and I really felt for him (especially when Genzou is being RUTHLESS in Ending 1). Even though they're so horrible for each other, the past history and their relationship really is heartbreaking...the hurt they caused each other can never be undone. The amount of drama that you managed to fit into this little snippet is TRULY impressive, I really do think that players could get a very good sense of what their relationship is like just from playing this!

SPOILERS AGAIN but I must simply gush about how clever the ending names are! Orlam ending with his own "variation" (solo dance) in Ending 1. Then "promenade" and "fallaway" referring to the same waltz position, but one where they are "moving forward" and the other where they are "moving backward." It is SO clever and I love how the names reflect both the dancing theme and the developments in each ending!

Overall this is one of the most impressive O2A2 entries I've ever played, but how can I be surprised sdsfds, I already know you're a garden vegetable magician!! 


WOAH. Clever catch on the Ending titles having waltz references and having them each reflect the ending's story contents! O_O Lacking a formal dance background myself, I learnt something new today by reading your insightful commentary! 

You pointed out things that I also appreciated but didn't think to mention (eg. the "ticket-stub" warnings page), or missed out on entirely. Your observations definitely enhanced my enjoyment of the game, so thank you so much for that! :D


I didn't catch them at first either, I had to use my Google-fu to puzzle them out! They were SO clever, carrot just does such a great job with everything dfgdfgdgd I'm glad my comment helped you to appreciate this wonderful game EVEN MORE! 

(1 edit) (+1)

WOAH. It's Chattercap, I still remember when I firstly got to Carrot's Tumblr, the last ask was yours:

A garden mushroom, pffff! (No offense! I just think it's a cute term of endearment, my apologies in advance if it bothering you). Hoping you and your own game will get better and better and give more heart-wrenching stories~

By the way, "the little meat flowers", hahahahaha (No offense again)

As a person with multiple identities as a creator and a gamer, Your Excellency has some insights that are more unique and nuanced than those of us who are simply gamers. It feels like I'm learning something new from reading your insightful commentary, as the other friend Vioskye who replied to you said.


OH NOO THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FLOWERS DFGGDFGD I thought they were supposed to be flowers that resembled meat, I thought it was very fitting sdfsfsd And WOW I'm shocked you recognized me, I'm flattered!! I can only hope that I can make games as good as Carrot someday! I don't think my insights were anything special (your thoughts are SO in depth and well thought out!), but I'm glad they were interesting to read! :) (Haha I am very happy to be called a garden mushroom~ who is friends with a very kind garden vegetable!)




...tho I suppose I can't really deny it lakdjfs

Gosh having you mention all the tiny little things I did is making me melt inside like a giant pancake. Especially as so much of those are the types of things you don't really expect anyone to notice (or at least not actively kkdjfad). It means so much hearing you say such nice things about them... I don't have a whole ton of confidence in my general GUI and game design skills, so I'm always a bit worried it'll end up looking super rough or weird, especially compared to so many devs that have absolutely GGGOOOOOORRRGGGEEEEOOOOUUUUSSSSS GUIs (including yours AHHHHFD ALSDKHFALSDKJFASLKDFA ) so that makes me feel even more doubly triply filled with joy... πŸ₯Ί

"this entry was full of IMPECCABLY written banter that was so fun to read and chock-full of character at the same time" --> WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME I'M ALREADY INERT LKJDALDKJFALSKDFJ

Hhh and I'm glad you liked the animation and effects!! I'd never done anything quite like this before, using the BG to actually simulate movement and such. And the text effects were new, too GOSH I JUST WANTED TO TRY SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS. I'm really happy everything was able to come out in the end and be cohesive and look ok.

"Oftentimes I am blinded by Genzou bias because of how good he is for Iggy" --> ...that definitely.... wouldn't be me.... either........ NO NO NO I KID I LOVE THEM ALL EQUALLY. I do have a Genzou soft spot though for that same reason. EVEN THO I DO WANT HIM TO GET BETTER AS A PERSON. AND STOP BEING SO MUCH OF AN ASSHOLE. Even tho I know it's hard for him. And I feel so bad for Orlam too. GOD.

"Even though they're so horrible for each other, the past history and their relationship really is heartbreaking...the hurt they caused each other can never be undone." --> THIS SENTENCE JUST CUT TO THE CORE OF ME πŸ˜­πŸ’¦ I feel the same way. I love their (horrible) dynamic and exploring it but also it's so incredibly heartbreaking for me... (I say despite literally being the one to put them through it...................... /whoops) There is just something about very messy relationships that fascinates and intrigues me I suppose. Also I clearly enjoy pain and wanting to inflict angst upon my heart, so.

OMGGGGGGG YOU ACTUALLY FIGURE OUT THE ENDING NAMES LKJALKDSJFAD I AM SO HAPPY?????? I honestly didn't think anyone would, but I wanted to do something mildly clever for those just in case anyone might know or be bothered to look it up. Gosh tears in my eyeballs.




Thank you. This comment warmed my very soul dkljadf Thank you so so so much for taking the time to write up so much thoughtful insight about everything, I honestly feel so spoiled and want to cry πŸ˜­πŸ’¦  YOU ARE TOO SWEET AND KIND. And thank you just for playing in general and all your amazing and wonderful support WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU MY LOVELY GARDEN MUSHROOM??????????????????????
