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This one is suuuper adorable! Love how you replicated the artstyle of the show, it gives the game a really cozy feeling.  I also really love the focus/emphasis on Grizz's figure and eating habits. Itch is full of VNs featuring characters who are conventionally attractive, some chubby/fat representation is very much needed~ 

The only criticism I could levy is that the writing can feel a bit rushed at times, both in terms of the narrative and grammar-wise. There's some punctuation marks missing here and there, there's inconsistent capitalization, and often the narrative feels like it's going at a breakneck pace. Maybe take a bit more time describing things or more thoroughly setting up the environment/situation so that the reader can better immerse themselves. Proofreading/revising/editing is half the work when it comes to writing~

But yeah, very fun and cute VN overall. Keep up the great work, can't wait for more to come! :3 


Thank you for the kind words! I definitely rushed this in an effort to have something for people to look at haha. Really going to try and take my time, until the next actual update. 

Again, thanks for playing!

Of course, I know how important feedback is for creators. And yeah, take as much time as you need! :3