Haha, thanks for checking it out, glad you liked it! Honestly, AI can be super tricky lol. To make things easy, I tend to create AI in a very basic way, something that follows a 'predictable' pattern. So in bobs case, he just wanders around down there until he sees you, and then chases you until you get to far away, or he gets 'tired', rinse and repeat.
When I first got the project, somewhere along the way, he was defaulted to chasing the player, until a minute has passed, then set to wander for a minute. There was also a teleport to player feature that was being used at 'seemly' random intervals. I wasn't entirely sure why things were setup that way, what was intentional, and what wasn't.
I just refactored the good bits that were already there, changed some values, and made the visuals match. Overall, what was there was already setup nicely with A* and made it easy for me to come in, and add a sneaky surprise, lurking in the depths. :)
Yeah I added the first version of Bob to the game! My goal was to create periodic tense chase sequences, but I didn't want Bob to need to navigate all the way across the map for these to happen, so he was supposed to chase, go somewhere else for a minute, and then try to teleport close(but not too close) to the player and give chase again. I think I like this version better though, even though it feels like you see Bob less. It's a situation where maybe less is better. Glad it wasn't too hard to mod. I kinda fell off my personal resolution to cleanly comment stuff :P