i got the amulet! Didn't make it back up though. I forgot that you press <+shift to ascend. Maybe that could be a tool tip once you pick it up. I descended t0 d27 and was killed by a dragon. Shame.
I had a great plythrough as well. Slow digestion was one of the first rings I picked up, so I only ever ate 2 Rations. I had a variety of powerful wands and staves, but my armour and weapons were the biggest part. I managed to protect and upgrade my ring mail (I accidentally dropped my plate I picked up) and it was plus 8 by the end of my life. I also managed to vorpalize my great sword to slay dragons. Only managed to find one weapon upgrade scroll though.
I noticed we have 5 identify scrolls now, good change. There's lots of things you need to identify quick, like rings. With the visual changes, you really don't need to even bother picking up stuff like studded leather or ring mail, you save your id scrolls for plate to make sure it's not cursed. Rings should be id'd as soon as you pick them up.
The ring of observation is quite powerful. You can just put it on before you enter rooms, and it allows you to see traps in the room, before you step on them, then youncN take it off.
Nice game. Ever thought about having local data though?
Like, keeping the beastiary/items/weapon flavor text for the same computer? id like to read the flavour text without picking up the stuff again every time. And speakingnof picking up stuff, let us know what we step over if our bag is full