Apologies for the delay! Yes, there is a "text to speech" support option (press v on keyboard or through the options screen accessible through mouse or keyboard). The game is also written so that visual descriptors of scene changes and actions are described so that the voice-to-text speech captures scene nuances without requiring the viewer to rely on visuals alone. The game is playable through using only the mouse as well, with choices accessible through arrow keys (up and down) and spacebar to select. Aside from these aspects, for those with less severe visual impairments, the game contains different font options (Arial, Hyper legible and OpenDyselxic), with various options for spacing and font size for further legibility. The text box is white with black colored text to allow for high-contrast/clear reading. Options are also highlighted with high-contrast colors to emphasize their selection. In future games I look forward to advancing my programming skills to add even more accessible options for gamers of all abilities.