Hey NalDev, just wanted to say I tossed a bit of support your way cause I really like this niche of game. Kudos for taking the time to make and further develop it.
When it comes to gathering support, my two cents is that this game starting free was fine with its relatively small scope and you not being established yet. With the benefit of hindsight though, I think doing something similar to BitShift with Cruel Serenade would've worked better in this case. Where the first part of the game stays free with continuing support and improvement, acting as a demo and mostly its own contained story, and the second part being put behind a reasonable paywall to continue what the first part established and to gather funds.
As they say though, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.
All that being said, I hope you're able to find all the support and funding you need to continue work on NiP. Good work so far 👍