less a sugestion about mechanics but could we get a roadmap for what you planned to add? also inspired by packedrat eh? thats a name ive not heard in a long time, shame how that ended up. wishing you luck in the project.
Recent community posts
on that tounges idea... not sure if rpgmaker can support this but i rember a game called digimon world 3 that handeld confusion in a hillarously annoying way by turning all the commands into nonsense like laugh or seduce and on a failure they did those useless silly actions... perhaps something simmilar can be done with sellecting the right random command will let the player act normally... and a wrong command wasting a turn or three. could be a way to combo into that fapping state too. sorry if im being annoying just thoughts i had looking at it... huh might just be easier to blank the commands and shuffle em.
noticed this has rouge insperations listed, was wondering how crazy this will get. will we see polymorph effects? noticed what looks like a werewolf in one of the promotional images is lycanthropy contagious here? will monsters use advanced tactics such as kobolds triggering traps when they know it will hit you and soften you up? ghosts attacking thru walls knowing you cant retaliate? ya know that kinda stuff.
... just a longshot but i know of annother person who made a game in the style like this. its been a bit but perhaps they might be of limited help. the person in question is named lipucd and they made a game called project qbee and a couple other thats been fogged over in my memory. perhaps they encountered this problem too and would know what causes it? granted its ancient rpgmaker stuff at this point so they may have forgot...
edit: some animation or such would be a good idea indeed. the question is what? from the dialog they are sorta like scammers... so flashing lights kinda effect maybe? could be pulled off by it simply cycling thru color to avoid giving a seisure...
been playing thru this and i think the drone tech has an ai bug that nuters them mostly as a threat. been prancing about with one of the party nude and seems all they wanna do is fuck that party members mouth, not complaining as it makes a potentaly dangerous foe with its mp sapping more managable but i get the feeling thats not intended... or im having excelent rng luck.... also took me a bit to find the flim flam machine shop thing interacted with it by random chance.
not to mention everything is obtuse, really needs a manuel or tutorial level. i cant even bottle potions. i understand they wanted the time limit to be the main stress factor but to top it off with no explination so your fumbling takes the fun away from it. which is a shame these kinda games are fun.
thats beyond creapy, thats malicious naked greed. your thought process makes sense to me, this smacks of biometrics data harvisting! ,,, dumb question thought about talking to a lawyer when they are off the job about this? no way this is completely legal. even then some brits may be able to force some sanity back thanks to their privacy laws. best way to counter this i think is to talk about it so thanks for telling me.
gave it a whirl, normaly im not so great with these kinda games. so far its fun, just wondering how many forms are there and is there any kinda hint as to find em? asking as the worlds are frusteratingly huge which would be my only complaint as they are easy to get lost in... not listing what ive got as i think it would be a spoiler.
... stupid sugestion seen transformation as a very likely add above, how about bad transformations forced on the player as a form of long term debuff? i mean i doubt the player char would be effective in physical combat or adventuring at 500 plus pounds. or with their assets ballooned to comidec proportions. other sugestion a bit less stupid. a way to reset/purge all transformations restoring the player to as close as default/inital state as possable, could double as an emergeny in game bugfix as well incase something broke with a transformation... unless its broke too.
was on twiter and you really cant articulate on there... so throwing it here cus charactor limit sucks and when i tried shortening my post it sounded bad tone wise... anyway (for refrence https://x.com/FerisLycan/status/1791233460016648457 )
well, since you opened the floodgates so to speak, im gonna pitch a few, weight gain, the mystery dungeon games already has a slow effect and where this is a fetish dungeon themeing the status effects on fetish content makes sense, and the first thing when i think of slow is massive weight gain. as for the causes a bad orb seems the most streight forward to me followed by a trap that alters your food items ala the grimer trap. could also have it boost physical defence so its not a totally bad thing... just mostly.
speaking of grimer traps, why not theme the sticky item trap on bukakae? not really my thing but it kinda makes sense could have crossplay with other fetishes such as hypnosis speaking of which...
how about more uses for hypnosis? currently its just used to initiate fun time, but it could be used for more gradual changes that degrade the player's abilitys, attacks replaced on use with less usefull comands like present or missing turns due to posing ero'ly its a good fetish to use to mess with the player as with the player charactor getting warped wouldent the information the player gleans from them also be altered too? perspectives and all that.
sorry for wall o text. just i like to pitch sugestions with use case scenerios that way even if what i sugested just doesnt fit the scenerio could be retooled and reused if it was intresting enough... that and i think its a bit nicer to read then omg add delibird nawo1!1.
hostile takeover... now theres an option. if it could be "crowd funded" so to speak its an option of attack. paypals public after all and with enough share holders working together to force a board vote one could fire the board. not out of the relm of possability magnates media shown an example of this with his bannana vids aperently you can give people proxy votes to vote on your behalf and the disney mess showed you can buy votes too... the hard part is corodinating.
on the pitch to normies... ive actually been thinking on that one was wondering how you think this would work, i think going the free speach route will yield a possable angle. most americans hate being stifled, myself included. a flashy ad showing someone getting censored by a commissar type with ever increasing nitpicks ending in their mouth duct taped, eyes blinded, and headphones applied with a recording playing, with a caption is this the future you want at the end with a blurb about the anti porn laws and that the slippery slope isnt a falicy but a practice they go after aceptible targets first to lay groundwork the internets/this is just the first stop. maybe if it could be worked in show fosta, pipa, sopa, acta, coppa and ttip flash on screen at some points with the caption they wrap it in sugar so you cant taste the bs. not sure how that could be condenced to run as say a youtube ad or such though.
theres got to be some way to put this issue to bed for good. currently as i see it going to the tor network or similar would be a temporary repreve at best. denying them their more potent methiod of attacks... going crypto would just end in yet more crypto regulation effectively de-anonomizing it further, using another countrys banking system would just end up with that contrys laws getting in the way ( but it would be funny if zimbabwe or others see an economic stimulus due to this ) and potental aplications of money laundering laws. as bitter as it seems the only solution i see is accelerationism and i really dont like it, basicly forcing all fun to go away your entertainment is job now, by forcing the issue into a frame most normal people can not only understand but are impacted by it could be forced off for a long time, rember the sopa protests?. nimby in all its glory, i think theres a quote that went first they came for the jews i did not speak up because i was not a jew, then they came for the bankers i did not speak up because i was not a banker, then they came for me and there was no one to speak up for me.
edit, something came to mind, america has leagalized bribery in the form of lobbying. perhaps a bunch of affected parties can come together in the form of a super pac or similar to represent a slice of the adult entertainment industry.