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Devlog 9, 7/31

Progress was made, but more questions have been raised.

One of the core systems left to make this an immensely more interactive game is to set spawn locations for enemies to spawn in at. Instead of manually placing dozens of spawns, each tied to their own individual timers, I can simply make a system that spawns enemies endlessly (though eventually, a loop will be created to stop enemy spawns.)

This code makes the magic happen. I'm quite proud of it too, since its code that I thought up almost entirely myself (I had to get a helpful reminder about the global position part from the Godot Discord!)

Here;'s the test scene in action:

Nothing fancy, just four specific markers. When the code is active...

They do spawn right on top of each other. In the actual game they'll move towards the player, which should make this less of an issue I hope?

When applied to the actual scene...

IF you've seen some of my previous devlogs, you may have noticed something. The enemies turn to look at me when they detect the player in their player range, but they aren't firing their gun.

I'm honestly not sure why. It must be something thats part of their spawn conditions, that its not linking to something... but what? I genuinely don't know. IF you know, feel free to poke me.

Some thoughts on whats next:

  • With this done, I can work on the shooting part later. I want to try to get the movement part taken care of tomorrow.
  • Something else I'd like to do - probably set some booleans for the movement so that if the player is within the shoot range, to stop movement. Then, if the player leaves it, re-engage movement. So they aren't all rushing into melee. This would mean I could create a melee enemy much easier too! Could give it some wierd properties. 
  • Another thing I want to look into is homing projectiles - once I figure out movement, surely figuring out that shouldn't be too much farther away? This would let me create the third enemy, a weaker but homing enemy. I'd also like to replace the players grenade with the homing projectile as well, and set enemy kills to refund part of a meter that builds up, that then fires a small volley of homing projectiles.
  • Working out health pickups from enemy kills shouldn't be hard as well, the main tutorial I followed had a section on ammo spawns from broken crates that should apply here. 
  • Finally, a boss character. But what can the boss do? How do I make it boss like with very simple understanding of programming? Much to think about. Worst comes to worst, I can just make level 3 a super intense level of enemy spawns.

Devlog out!