Very nice work! I struggled at first thinking it was unbalanced because I seemed way too weak. Then I read the directions (LOL) and started to use the shadows! I failed the first time I encountered the boss, but on a replay I found better weapons and saved ammo, which definitely helped. The boss was much easier then! A few suggestions: I don't like that once snipers see me, they can track me through an obstacle even once I fade into the shadows. He should lose track of me like the other enemies who see you, but then forget about you if you run away. At least I could just watch his shots coming at regular intervals and snipe him back. Also, please label the achievements. I could guess some of them, but what the heck is the one fist-bumping an enemy? Or the proximity mine one? Or the table with a machine on it? I managed to get the green laser gun but only after the boss. I kept thinking someone would give me the code. D'oh! It was in plain sight. Well done! :) (Not sure why it doesn't show my death count or kill count, maybe I screen grabbed before it loaded all the way like the time did. I assure you I killed everyone and died a lot!)