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(3 edits) (+4)

After a year with no updates here, and from what I can tell 5 months of silence going by Patreon Posts, I'm going to have to drop this. It had such potential but the lack of updates makes me feel this game has either been abandoned or worse. If its gets updates in the future I may come back but its not likely.


Actually, the dev is a scammer who wanted a quick money grab. He went on rampage in F95 forum by insulting people for being mad at him for going "radio silence" for so long.

TL;DR : Don't support this scammer on Patreon.


Are there any logs? I went on his latest activity which only showed posts since march.


The dev wasn't posting anything on Patreon. Go Check F95 Forums to see what's going on.


Ah, another Marble Syrup-type situation