I just want to start by saying I absolutely adore Barry's design, my new favourite lil' boxy dude! And the people, I loved their disappearing effect when they got the fruit they wanted.
Favorite thing:
Great idea and gameplay, I really liked how there were different zones for each of the berries, with their own unique traps. Also shout out to the detail of making Barry's jump shorter the more weighed down with berries he is!
Least favorite thing:
The camera wasn't great for me unfortunately, if there was an option to invert the controls I think it would help, and maybe if it was a little less sensitive. I was able to get the hang of it though!
What I would add:
I think the idea of hitting the traps to make you lose berries is great, the only thing is it's very easy to avoid them on the way back, and when you have no berries, there's no issue with taking a hit. So maybe if you wanted to add a bit more challenge, you could add an overall health bar, or find a way that makes the player unable to skip by all the traps on the way back. (I will say for endless mode, the timer on the people added a nice bit of challenge!)
Overall I really liked it, so much charm and character. A few tweaks of the camera and maybe a little more challenge to get the most out of the unique zones would be great, but honestly overall a great time, nicely done! :D