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Are you invoking the picker by pressing the space bar, or holding it? Both should be valid and you can toggle that behavior in the Tool menu, but I've noticed some laptops lock out the trackpad when typing is happening (eg a key is being held). If you open a text editor and hold spacebar, does the trackpad work? If not it might be a hardware/OS level issue. Let me know if the behavior only happens with Playscii; it might be due to a quirk of SDL2 for example.

You're right, the trackpad stops working when I hold the space bar in general, not just in Playscii. As for the picker, if I press the space bar and don't hold it, it disappears. Is there a way around that?

Yes, in the Tool menu select "Picker toggle key: hold" and it will change to "Picker toggle key: press". Now you can invoke and dismiss the picker by tapping space bar, which should free the trackpad up for what you need.

Thank you :)