GG, you win the 3D prize!
I really liked the rogue-lite aspect of your game. Super cool that the levels changed each time you went on an excursion. I also felt that your gameplay loop did a good job of complementing the procedurally generated maps! I liked finding the loot and doing the upgrade thing!
As a player, I had a difficult time comprehending what my overall goal was, or what I working towards. Combat was really hard to understand at a glance, but the provided tutorial went a long way towards helping me comprehend what was going on. I would've liked to explore the combat system more than I had the opportunity for, but I kept getting lost and dying before making it the teleporter! I don't think the answer is necessarily to provide more teleporters, as I think maybe implementing a way to find the teleporters might be more interesting overall.
I don't know that I enjoyed this game being top-down. I think I would've felt more immersed if the camera angle was instead isometric? Hard to say, but I was disappointed that I couldn't see more of the physical details of the things encountered on the map.
Thank you for your submission to the HF 2023 Game Jam!