I need to say, I am not going to accept almost all of your ideas.
1. In my opinion your characters look very crappy.
2. Greedy Baldi is meant to be a character that can only be summoned via the Cloning Gone Wrong event. Susan is going to be removed in the next game due to copyright issues
3. I am not going to change the walls of the RUST Labyrinth, because that's how they're supposed to look.
4. The Unfinished Room is going to be removed due to copyright issues
5 and 6 combined: Venacuile and A Sentient Fuel Tank are characters that are meant to drain blood, thus the blood bar is not going to be removed, but rather re-designed
7. The Old Man is meant to be helpful, and not vice versa.
8. Carol is somewhat already evil, since she can drag the player to the cauldron if they fail to do her task correctly.