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Pop'n Oyster

A member registered Dec 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Huh, now this seems interesting. The sprites are relatively good for a contributor like you, and I like that you suggested a unique chase song. I'll see if this can go in one of the next updates. Consider yourself lucky.

Tell me more about Boom-Strider.

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No no, that's not what I said. I said if it is bad, then I will ask you to no longer make any more ideas.

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You can submit ONLY ONE as of right now. If it is bad, then I'm gonna have to ask you to stop making ideas. Either way, I already have enough ideas for the next update, and I don't want to be overloaded with extra ideas.

Not right now, but I will start working on one soon.

Please send me a video link when you are done creating it.

Whenever possible, can you PLEASE make gameplay footage of this? I really want to see what your re-creation is like.

😲 Oh cool! You made a map remake of my game for BB+! Sadly, I don't have BB+ installed because I'm too lazy to purchase it. 😕

I already saw your comment. I think I like the current Anchor Bay logo. But I'll see.

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Instead of removing her, I will make her customizable in the Character Selection screen, that way you can choose whether you want her active or not. I already held a poll in the Discord server regarding her removal, but slightly more people wanted her to stay since she is helpful. Due to the poll's votes, she will be made into a selectable character, making it a win-win for everyone.

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Pretty much all of those games included are outdated, and I don't want you to play outdated games. I recommend you play the newer ones.

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Never heard of it in my life. Do I have to have Baldi's Basics + already installed? Please give me more instructions.

I'm sorry, how exactly am I supposed to play it? I couldn't find an executable file, and there are multiple json and dll files. Which folders should I go to and which file am I supposed to open?

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There is only one way to know, and I will tell you the secret code. However, once I tell you the code, you will have until you have fully read the message to memorize it before I delete the comment.

Yeah. keep in mind that The Renewed School came before The Spectral School, which is why some things are different.

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Are all of the characters from the renewed school you have enabled in the game present in the map? Or are there characters that are not supposed to be there? Remember: most of the BB 1 1/2 MAPS that are included for every game are nearly identical, and they are supposed to be identical to a degree. Every game has other different content though.

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First off, the map for every bb 1 1/2 game very slightly alters depending on what game you have downloaded. Moreover, every map has a different set of mechanics, features, and characters, and those preferences are set when the map loads. If you are saying that you downloaded a game that is NOT The Spectral School, and that the school scene is the EXACT same as The Spectral School, with the exact HUDs, characters, and assets, I have no idea how to help you on that; it may be a "your computer" problem.

Also, I have a series of questions for you to answer. I'll go one at a time.

1. Which BB 1 1/2 game have you been attempting to download and play?

Please don't ask me if that is the end of the series; it is not. BB 1 1/2 will continue for another few months.

Because my previous username "TheObliviousQuail" used a generic username template, and I wanted to change my username to something more creative.

When I refer to the confirmation code for version 2.X, it means the code works with any mini-update within V2, like 2.1.

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Please do not post those types of comments on this page. I find that slightly rude.

I reuploaded it with the new zip file name so you won't confuse it any more.

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what do you mean it said 1.5? Did the file say that or the game?

1. Find it out yourself

2. The code for V2.1 is in the install instructions on this very page.

now it is back as V2.1

It has been temporarily unshared because there are a few things I forgot to optimize.

V1.5 is slightly outdated, so please stand by until I release the next patch.

it is here, v2 is here.

I can't spoil anything right now until that update releases.

The character's design and name inspiration is VERY obvious, and the character comes across as very helpful. Additionally, the upper body doesn't even look that good, so this character won't be going in the game.

I may make the script later

The problem has been fixed. Reinstall it.

OK! I think I found the problem! I accidentally left a script in there that was supposed to belong to another game object. Thanks for letting me know. I will re-upload the new version soon.

This is the screen that you are supposed to be transported to when you click on options:

Hmm, okay then. I'll double check things and ensure that there are no errors.

Also, when you asked me on why I brought this series back, it seemed like you did not want me to continue this series as if you disliked it, that is why I deleted one of your comments.