Hallo Jakub! Thank so so much for your encouraging words, for sharing your valuable insides and recommendations. This makes me so happy!
For the things you mention:
- It takes a lot of time to understand the mechanics. - The step-by-step tutorial is already on my list. But nontheless, getting this critique for a second time now reassures me that something has to be done here. I will try as you advise and introduce one "tutorial zombie" - a Tutombie! A card will recommend attacking this guy to learn how to fight. It will take some shuffling of the existing buildings/places in that area, but that's totally okay. When the tutorial fight starts, each element and number will be introduced, as well as the rules. Noted.
- There are a lot of things inside the inventory. - Yes, that's true. Your guess is right - it's to make things interesting AND to allow more crafting options in the future (players will be able to improve their weapons through slots - e. g. making it more durable and more powerful). For that, some of these items will get a "meaning" soon. See below the picture of all the items I was drawing ;-) With that in mind, only a "small" selection of them has made it into the game :-D
- When I click inside the map, I would expect the inventory to close. - I have to check if there are any side effects because of this, but I can't see any for now. In general this is a good idea. Noted.
- I had a hard time figuring out, which key to press to move in some cases. - Ja ja ja. I know... The original idea of how to move your player was a different one, but the keys made more sense. Unfortunately this is coming exactly with this strange effect you describe. I have to check the logic again - these diagonals are really tricky, even though sometimes it seems so obvious where the character should move to.
Explore and Map buttons don't work for now - but very soon. It's on my "next" list, shouldn't take long. I hope I can combine it with some other map related improvements (bringing back the fog of war, maybe a zoom). Let's see how this goes...
Again thank you so much for sharing your thoughts - really appriciated!
The picture of all tools :-D (brace yourself...)