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Thank you. Hope you enjoy it!

Bad news is that I do not have friends to play it with

No good, sorry to hear that. Do you have discord? There's lots of people who play ttrpgs on there. I host a few games myself upon request and air them live sometimes if there's enough interest.

Most people play ttrpgs online these days because of Covid, which changed the landscape from physical books n hanging out with friends to pdfs and zoom calls, lol. 

But no matter how you play, it does't change the game.

Check out the live play video for Short Order Apocalypse "Advanced" on my itch page to give you an idea of what it looks like in action.

There are also lots of diffrent VTT's (virtual tabel tops) that allow you to connect with others online who want to play/run games as well. Check out Foundry, Roll 20, Fantasy Grounds, and Owlbear Rodeo, to name a few.