i am really looking up to this game
it has SO MUCH potential
for example... what if there was ships with unique way of attacking? like a sword-like or a sniper! or maybe a big tank that can take more hits
imagine all the upgrades you can do!!!!!
maybe when you get hit... something happens?
maybe a laser that will make bullets traver into your curson and disapear, it might synergies with an upgraded that makes bullets explode!!!
yea bombs exist but... they too can have upgrades, maybe land mines? bombs that shoots bullets!!!
n u k e
the possible abilities are ENDLESS!!!!!!!!
man, i would LOVE to share more ideas with you, even if they might not end up in the game, just the idea of making unique upgrades makes me exited
i see so many unique ideas
so many possible abilities
so much... potential
man, i would love to play a good roguelike game with endless unique upgrades, maybe even a mix option that let you mix two upgrades? as i said, endless
have a great day gentleman, and thanks for making this game that let me bring some ideas to life, and if you want to hear more PleaseDoIWouldLoveToShare then contact me on discord
thanks again, and have a great day :>