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First things first…

Just if anyone else is expecting this to be “serious”. Make sure to check the date it was release.

It will tell you everything, if you find it confusing at first.

Well… like many unexpected readers/players… I feel cheated, yet…

I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it.


I was about to start reading everything else, but after the break from the main character’s POV, I… I’ll be honest. It made me lose interest on the rest.

Spoilers ahead…

This is a comedy VN that was released on April 1st. That alone should have hinted on what the VN was supposed to be.

As for the story… I was loving the writing at the start and was really expecting it to be an actual serious story. When the mention of Taco Bell appeared, all interest was thrown out of the window. I was expecting a return to “normalcy” but in the end it wasn’t like that… Just when I thought it was returning to normal, they throw another breaking point that made me laugh, honestly. But I was still losing interest, even continued, but the damage was done.

In short: Not what I expected but enjoyed nonetheless. Well-made and if I knew beforehand this was a comedy, perhaps I would have taken more interest than normal, maybe even read more. So far, this is all I can say… Should you read it? Sure, go ahead, I was expecting something else. But, I won’t spoil you the content… besides of the Taco Bell bit being spoken in the VN. Heh, anyway, enough about my rambling. I need to recover from this, and perhaps I will read it all the way the next time I pick it up.

(!) Spoilers incoming (!)

Looking back, I think the intro was a little too long and genuine for it's own good and ended up getting people invested instead of primed for the reveal. To be honest, I did recognize the risk during development but I became interested in the characters myself, and instead of trimming down the first few drafts to serve the purpose of the concept, I ended up keeping a bit too much and playing it a bit too straight. So I apologize if anyone feels betrayed. That wasn't ever my intent. 

There is a thread of sincerity I tried to keep throughout the game. If you decide to follow through and play the rest I hope that helps with your viewpoint, but if not, thank you for taking the time to download and give your feedback.

Also, the Taco Bell joke was definitely too ridiculous and immersion breaking, especially at that point in the game when the reader is reorienting themselves from the reveal.  It feels like a first draft concept and gets a lot of mixed responses. I seriously considered removing it during development but it acts as a setup to several later jokes which I really like, so ultimately it stayed. 

I understand that point of view. Not many developers would release a game intended to be taken seriously on April 1st. And to be honest, not only the writing is good, I enjoyed even well… after expecting something more… “serious”. Nothing wrong with a joke on the day it was released, as of now, I still feel a bit taken a back, but willing to have another reading session to finish it.

Feeling cheated is rather personal. But still understandable since the VN took itself seriously on the start. I didn’t point it out because that was a wrong way to change the perspective to the reader. More like the change was rather too abrupt to let it settle. The changes of perspective and the way it changes really brings something, even if it was intended as a comedy.

What I’m trying to say, is that… Even if it was unexpected, it shows how some authors/writers have trouble writing. (that might not be a point, but it seemed like that.) I myself have done some writing and there are times I feel like joking with other characters. But Immersion was broken rather quickly. I guess that’s what made me stop reading.

Like I said, I took it personally and probably overreacted to it. Other than that, I’m still thinking of trying again, and this time go with an open mind rather than what I was expecting. It might be different from person to person. But I can’t lie that there is potential here, I did laugh, so it did what it was supposed to do.

In short: the fault falls in both of us. As a reader, I expected something that wasn’t intended. And I think, as a writer, there wasn’t anything explicit saying that this was not something to be taken seriously. Because of that missing information, it leads to some readers to feel cheated. I don’t blame you, Boroco. You wanted to create something with your team or alone (I’m not sure). It was an oversight, everyone can make a mistake, and honestly I would say is a mistake that you can learn from.

(I feel like I’m rambling…) I’d say that take this and the criticism of others in a constructive way to become better and learn from it. That is the best course of action that you can take. Maybe my words might fly over, since I notice how much I have been writing. But, I don’t think this should be taken in a way to hurt you, it was an honest opinion. I for sure will give it another try. (And sorry if have been rambling since the beginning.)