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I like how the music develops throughout the entire track, even when prats repeat themselves, it helps to make the entire thing interesting, and puts it in a much more prominent place than just background music for a level - it's a piece of music that accompanies a level, but stands on it's own and makes sure your'e paying attention to it.

Two tiny complaints i have - one is that the tick tock (i'm not sure if it's a snare or a sample of a clock, but you know what i'm talking about) is bit too loud. I got used to it, but i think you could've made it 0.5-1 dBs quieter and it would've been still prominent but not overpowering.

The other complaint is just that i think this track could've used one part that's bit more lively and busy. I know that the entire track is pretty "sadder" and mellow, but if you did something like what you did at 1:44, where you stacked different existing parts along with some new ones, again, would've helped with keeping the attention of the listener by developing in more ways than just harmonically and melodically.

Both of my complaints aren't really that big (even though i wrote a lot lol), and i honestly liked this submission a bunch. Overall, this is pretty nice, so good job! 


Thank you, really <3

And don't worry, your complaints are really helpful, I'll keep both in mind when working in future projects :D