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I have to say.. I've said a few times over the past year/year and a half I've started getting into VNs that I've found some of the best and this DEFINITELY goes into the top 5 all time. The story is wonderful and I have to give you points for the choices actually feeling like they matter as quite a few games while it seems like you have a choice it all leads off to the same path or it's something as simple as Option 1: Be a complete and total dick. Option 2: Be nice. The meta humor in this is so nice so many games with this meta humor just kinda joke it off or something afterwards this game openly breaks the 4th wall and makes it part of the plot point at one point, the humor is just so refreshing overall. Characters are all written great I didn't come across one character that I was like well... you have little to no development or your a 1 sided character with the personality of cardboard. Even some of the lesser focused on characters are fleshed out more than some game's main characters, hell at the end of the game on the final part a new character is introduce and has about a grand total of 15-20 minutes of screen time and you get a good run down on them not many people can do it this well. Also congrats on also making the porn more than just porn but rather a functional plot point instead of just okay this is when you can jerk off now and repeat it as much times as needed during the main story.