The concept is so fun and creative. Who would've thought about a top -down game where you power wash mold? Or who would've thought that that concept could be fun? There were a few issues that rained on my parade (pun intended)
The sound of the washer was
annoying. It also hurt my ears to the point I had to play with the sound off, and believe me I tried to stick it out.
I can tell pretty well if I'm doing damage to the wall boogers but I can't tell if I'm doing damage to the little walking boogers. Maybe find a way to make them flash white as well?
I don't understand the application of the flashlight mechanic. Is it just to help you see a little better? Can you turn it off? It seems every time I get it it just loses battery. I tried to find a menu with the controls but ended up running into another problem.
I thought pressing menu from the pause menu would just take me to maybe an options menu or something instead of restarting the game (without even taking me to a menu but maybe I just happened to press start game on the menu before it loaded idk). Maybe changing the menu button to say restart after you had already started a game or making it say somewhere that I would lose progress if I press menu would help. I was frustrated I lost progress and had to start over so I just stopped playing.
These issues are an easy fix and I hope you take this game further. I could definetly see a full blown game out of just this concept but with more depth. I look forward to seeing your next projects!
Edit: Had to clear up confusion by adding things I forgot.