Thanks so much for the feedback! I understand the problem with the sound, and you're the first person to bring it up, and I thank you for that! I'll probably add a more bubbly sound to it. The little walking enemies were supposed to have a damage indicator, but I ran out of time. Many people have had issue with the flashlight and I'm gonna be work on it (also will have some better future used)(it also stuns the little enemies but I didn't show that well enough). The menu button was a bug I didn't even notice until I released the game, but I fix it today, and will go out with the next update. I will also look into a save system, but that may take a while (only been working on unity for a year and never published something before!). I'm also glad to say that I will continue to work on this! My friend and I decided it was a good concept to continue with, and fun to work on! Thanks again for the comment and feedback, it truly makes the game better in the long run!
(Also, nice pun)