This was a very cool idea and executed well! The color reflection mirrors was a cool mechanic, especially when you would bounce it off a colored mirror and the resulting laser would only have the colors of that mirror. It felt like the levels were in the wrong order, though. Levels 1 & 2 were obviously tutorials and did a good job introducing the concepts, but then level 3 was way tougher than levels 4 & 5.
You asked for feedback on how to make the target destruction better, I'd say a short windup animation where the mirror pulses, then have it flash and explode into the same particle effect as when the laser reflects. I also have an idea for how to expand this idea if you wanted to continue it. How about instead of losing a color every round so it's always white-yellow-red, you have X number of lasers per level shown in a corner of the HUD, so maybe you could have a level where you need 5 lasers or one where the order is blue-blue-green or something. You could even give the player extra lasers and have using less than the total correspond to a star amount if you wanted to make this a mobile game or something. (I personally don't like those kinds of games with the 3 star ranking system, but the idea just popped into my head.) All in all, this is pretty great and you could make something really awesome out of the concept.