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The warning at the beginning is something. It set the tone, but it did not prepare me for what was coming.

You patch one bug, now you have two bugs... Interrupted by meetings, strategies that sorta work but don't... yeah. I found the meta-humour hilarious, and I think this is going to appeal to a lot of devs while maybe being lost on others.

If there's one thing that's missing, it's a clear scoring mechanism or defined end to the game. I ended up having a massive pile of bugs overflowing over the top of the screen, no available modifiers left, numbers going through the roof and the "in meeting" flashing on and off several times a second (this should probably be a seizure warning). That seemed to be an end state, but there wasn't an explicit game over.

It was pretty funny to see the bugs literally overflow over the top of the screen though.

As usual we didn't have time to do the balancing, and this time neither the endgame :]  ... well, I think it was true to the theme of never ending deadlines, at least =)  ... if we continue this one, we would probably add many more upgrades and a clearer objective.

But you are right, we should had put a (serious) seizure warning in the front of the list.