Thank you for replying to my comment. I've finished the story now, and have a few more insights...
It did get better as it went along. And though I still would much rather have seen that torture and abuse happen to a male than to a female, I do kind of understand now why, plot-wise, the protagonist had to be female, what with the marriage layer and everything. But I still have a couple major problems. In no particular order...
Too kinetic. If there's no choices, there's no game. I liked the story, but with no choices, it's not playing a game, it's just looking at a picture book. Even if two options of a choice circle around and lead back to the same path, that still would have been better than no choices at all.
And it ended too abruptly! I was looking forward to seeing Marie seduce Edmond and torture Cindy some more in the context of their engagement and marriage, but no such luck. It just ends. The series finale of The Sopranos gave better closure than this!
Anyway, you got a lot of good stuff here, but a whole lot of room for improvement too. I wish you good luck with what you create in the future. I know you have it in you.