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How do I get the sex scene or is that noy out yet on here

In the current build just throw a lust bomb from the Q menu at a girl and if she isn't in another animation like fleeing she will pose herself and allow you to enter the animation slot or another girl.

ah ok do you know when the animated ones will available on the itch version or is that still in the works 

What do you mean animated ones?

LIke on the page there a picture of a blow job when would that be added or is it in the game all ready? Is I ment sorry 

(1 edit)

That one was made for advertising purposes. v016 which is the next patch will have some other blowjob animations though, both in solo and threesome animations.

ah ok would  you know when the next patch would be out or is that still not decide yet

Soon. We need more time to make sure all the new systems are working great.

Ah ok np 

sry are we playing the same game there is nothing has such has that q does nothing g and f also don't work the doll future is not usable anymore and most of the game play is just taking photos am i missing something ore is that a patreon build only thing

Press Q, equip the pink ball, throw it at a girl, they animate into a sex pose, you enter the hologram slot, animation plays.

Welcome to games in development. The next patch will change it all once again. We are building and trying new things to find the system and style we want the full game to have. Sometimes it works, other times it needs more developing.

We do not release Patreon patches differently. All stores get the same build at the same time.