Well done AsE,
What Stood Out (For Me):
Art Style / Theme:
I like the art style and theme of the game, it reminds me of my crash bandicoot days.
Variation in Environment:
When I plunged underwater and found I was able to jump much higher, that was a cool experience.
I think expanding on this could be a great way to open up various forms of gameplay for players.
Although rare, at least in my playthrough thus, they provide some ability enhancement that diverges from the traditional gameplay.
Coyote Time:
I think adding coyote time to jumps is a good idea for most platformers, it usually provides a smoother gameplay experience for players:
Telegraphing Enemy Attacks:
The mushrooms specifically, I was unsure when exactly they were going to attack. Perhaps providing a more obvious load-up phase for attacks, or a red area around them indicating how far away you need to be, would be helpful.
Limited View:
I did figure out that you can zoom out a bit, however the limited view still posed a problem in some cases:
There were a few times where I was either able to jump really high, or I was on high ground and I needed to progress to the left or right (usually right), but there was no way of knowing what lies below when falling down. It feels a bit like rolling dice to see if I'll end up getting hit when I fall down (especially by the fish).
Having an ability to directionally move the camera in an intended direction (even if briefly) could help with this.
Control Pop-ups On First Encounter:
When first encountering the breakable ground tile, I think it would be convenient to show a pop-up of ("E") for players that have yet to pause the game and are unfamiliar with how to break the tile ground. This could provide smoother gameplay. (But I do appreciate the pause menu)
Checkpoints, for more casual players, might be beneficial, so they don't have to start from the very beginning when they lose a life. (It provides a sense of progression, especially to those less skilled in platformers)
Keep it up! 👏