Played for about 20 minutes like a potato (not doing the wall jump strats on the screenshot), lost all my progress because alas, I'm a potato.
Easy 5 stars gameplay. I think you made a really good level - at least where I could reach there were no cheap tricks, and each time I fell I recovered ground faster because I was making better judgement on my jumps. There is room for some recovery after a wrong jump, and every time I fell into "the well" back to the starting ground, it was because I tried to get back too quickly instead of being smart on my jumps.
My only gameplay nitpick was that I noticed the "full swing" meter (when it becomes red) doesn't mean it's actually the maximum swing possible, because there is room to make a stronger swing if you distance the mouse a bit further. So some swings I was pretty sure it was exact same swing than before (because the swing meter was red), but the ball ended up in a very different place. This may be intended design though to make the game more difficult though (the player doesn't know what the max swing is), but understanding how the mechanic worked was a bit annoying.
Really good game and entry for the jam!