oh no, what did you do
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Left it out cause towards the mid to late Cold War the Soviets and Chinese, due to ideology differences in the way they approached Marxism and communism in general, kind of started hating each other. Because the game kind of builds up to the Soviet Union and most of the countries featured were under their influence, China isn’t on here is because it didn’t have much to do with the Soviet Union by that point. Other featured countries outside of the eastern bloc such as Vietnam and North Korea are here because they mostly aligned themselves with the soviets over the Chinese (or at least favoured neither). Vietnamese have always hated the Chinese and the toll the collapse of the soviets had on North Korea kinda proves their massive dependence/previous alignment with the soviets.
TLDR: china and the soviets broke up, game is meant to be Soviet aligned countries (because funny)
also the original had 11 so yeah
This one was really interesting, like other people here I loved the interpretation of the theme and the feeling of soaring across the screen feels great. My one criticism is that the controls can be finicky, with the character going all across the screen I found it hard to keep up with. But that might just be me. Either way I love this, you did a really great job!
Not rude at all! Sorry if that was the impression, its just we are pretty new to this and we were not sure if people would be annoyed that we had not managed to get a web build working. I messaged the host on discord and they allowed me to upload a new web build. Thanks again for taking an interest!