Digital Neanderthals: This has such a fun sound to it! My favorite part is the little fall at 1:16. This is so bouncy and certainly embodies simple beings of a rudimentary digital era. Great variation throughout!
Le temps, c’est de l’argent: The softness of the mallet instruments is a nice contrast from the previous track and makes this one no less fun and energetic, but also a little more calm and maybe a little more culturally advanced despite acoustic instruments.
Time is Money: The wavy saxophone synths are so awesome! Wow there is a lot going on at once, but it sounds like a big cohesive party. Really fun to listen to!
Analogue futurists: Building your percussion around the ticking is very creative! This track has a futuristic and more sophisticated quality to it. It is really impressive that you were able to write almost 3 minutes of music that sounded interesting throughout that really stayed on one chord the entire time - impressive!
Watch Out: You bring the fun rhythms and melodies that you have shown you are so talented at and apply them in this fast-paced track that almost feels like a chase theme initially. I really like the transition to the more atmospheric section at 1:37 - this is my favorite part of the song.