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Hii! I just got the game so this is kinda just my questions as of now.. maybe I'll add more later when i get further in

Is there a way to stop the shadow figure from spawning in? do i relight the candles? can it leave the house?

how do i know when the skinwalker is coming? i believe its a violin sound effect, but i just wanna be sure :)

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For the candle issue just leave the house after awhile, if the deer is camping just trigger it and run inside. for the skinwalker you should start hearing a violin sound when it’s gone you hear a judge judy sound effect.


Thank you very very much! This'll be really helpful.

another quick question, how long does the day/night cycle last?

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around 2 windigo attacks so if you get attacked your half on time just from what I’ve gathered not 100% accurate but it helps keep management of your time and oil which each attack is anywhere from 3 - 6 minutes from my gusss


hey man, as far as ive personally figured the 3 candles in the house go out over time if you stay to long but just going outside for a little will reset them, even if a  skinwalker is outside you can dip in and out to at least slow down the candle  progression (if the shadow does spawn i dont think you can get rid of it i think its just now a new thing to keep track of in your run,

the skinwalker when coming will start making that kinda loud not music just noise shit then after what i can tell is about 3-5 seconds the skin walker will be close enough you can hear his violin noises usually just out of view of the camera is when you can hear the violin, and once you make it to your house you know its safe again when you hear a loud violin draw indicating he's gone

pro tip as said before you can dip in and out of the house if a skinwalkers there to slow candle  progression but you can also use this to when you dip out right after out of eyesight you will hear the violin as he agros on to you, but do this 2 - 4 times and suddenly you wont hear the violin when  you step outside, this is because when the skilwalker leaves i believe it  has to hit either side of the farms fences, but you only hear the violin draw string sound when his model is actually gone, you can use this dippin trip tech as i call it (sounded better in my head just gonna roll with it) to bassically get an extra few seconds freely to walk the farm right before the skinwalker actually disappears

 sorry for the text dumb i Love this game and have starrted speedrunning it
hope this helps man, Happy farming


what I do for speed running is constantly run in and out when the skinwalker doesn’t come towards you I run out as it saves time as it’s on a timer and that timer overrides the players hitbox so it’s safe to go out then


I'm going to try speed running not steaming or anything just gonna and I'll try the tips


I wonder if I will make it

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In under 45 mins.   (That was meant to be a sentence my auto correct is annoying)


It’s possible now takes around 40 minutes to max out for me so it should be possible if you just rush the gears and that 


I got near 40 with one gear left so if you rush yes you could prob make under maybe even 35 if you rush rush


yeah i did it in 35, i relied heavily on the fishing and final crops and just skimmed by on my third attempt


i just got a 34.59 having almost always catching fish the second they are reeled and only every buying the yellow and purple key