- Did the game look and feel smooth on your machine?
- Works perfectly fine.
- Could you navigate the levels without confusion?
- "Level Select" has collision shapes which tracks Overlap, I'm entering the level immediately by touching the collision shape by subpixel of the character's mesh. Needs more room to move around, and Interaction with a signboard of desired level instead of Collision Shape->Begin Overlap event.
- Was the game too easy/challenging?
- Inconsistent. It has some strange game design. Why can the generic platform (fish in the water) do damage to me? My hits can whiff at point blank, making me open for incoming damage. The character's mesh is rotated instead of flipping, probably it is intentional but common Platformer games usually utilizes the mirroring of character's sprites. To flip the mesh, multiply Y.scale by -1.0f instead of adding +180.0f to the Z.rotation.
- Did you have fun playing?
- Thanks for gamepad support. It was very fun until Level 4, where the environment was too hostile with all these fish-like platforms and fires always hurt me.
- All other feedback is greatly appreciated as well!
- You're using [Destroy Actor] blueprint node which makes the target Actor disappear instantly. Instead, I would recommend to make some animation of destruction/death, make the enemy's mesh dissolve (Mask out the opacity in Material properties. You will need a Dynamic Material Instance to operate the Scalar Parameter values in Blueprints), and call [Destroy Actor] just after that.