Thanks you for your in-depth reponse a glad you liked the game.
I think you overall assessment is fair and balanced. I have been thinking about how I'd make it more foddian and fair. I think having the camera scale it's FOV and look ahead with your current speed would be one way, as you once you're doing that leap of faith you have more time to see your landing.
I think the difficulty with this compared to other Foddian game is that we really leaned heaby into the momentum theme from a physical definition and stand point, where you constantly have to manage the change of speed making the game very dynamic which adds to the core game feel that makes it fun.
I Liked you idea of a zoomed out camera though when you approach a long jump as I think it'd make you feel small as a player as well and add to the feeling of being a daredevil skater, so if you don't mind I might steal that hahaha.
This was really valuable feedback and insight cheers :)