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Man this is the third Godot FPS I've played this jam and I am loving it! Prepare for a wall of text because I have compliments and suggestions.

As someone who attempted an FPS with a lot of movement and wacky stuff for SBIG last year I can appreciate how difficult it is to pull off, and I think this game generally did it!

I liked how the enemies would always have some form of movement to keep the player looking around the screen and on the move. And there was some neat little variety of attacks between the melee enemies, ranged enemies with slow inaccurate projectiles, ranged enemies with fast and accurate projectiles but fewer attacks, and enemies with homing projectiles. And of course the difference between hopping ground enemies and flying enemies (which is honestly something I still struggle to figure out implementing so bravo on that)!

The weapons while perhaps not that powerful feeling in my opinion, were at least kinda interesting technically. I liked how the machine gun hand could kinda look around and spew out bullets quickly, and the bright blue bullets with the little hit effects made it easier to see where I was hitting.

The gauss weapon confused me a little bit. When I first saw the ammo on the ground I actually thought they were rockets, though they do also look like bullets so maybe thats on me. But in actually using the gauss weapon it didn't feel all that more powerful compared to the machine gun. The main benefit from what I could tell was it was effectively hitscan. To be fair this aspect did help out in the later levels, but was a bit odd in the first level. I also agree it was kind of hard to tell if it was damaging enemies at first. Especially since I assume it can pierce multiple enemies? Because I noticed that the bullet trail continues through enemies hit with it, if it can't hit multiple enemies then I would suggest having the trail end when it collides with one.

Also on the topic of the weapons, I can't tell if the hand just points at the last seen collider, or if theres actually some aim assist that's getting broken but there were a number of times where I would try to aim at an enemy, but the hand would just stay facing a previous direction. This definitely hampered my ability to hit enemies, and in certain levels this nearly killed me. The mechanic is neat in a sort of "so bad its good" way, like some obscure east european FPS copied it from Metroid but didn't fully understand how to implement it.

This weird aiming bug combined with the fact that a number of the enemies, especially in that first level, are really tanky. The later levels and even the fish enemy in the first level I think had an appropriate amount of health but that first level really felt like a grind. The exploding bee enemies I think should have health lowered just a smidge, and maybe those clown enemies encountered at the start of a level. But its those first two enemy types that really seem to frustrate in my opinion.

As for the movement I think it felt good for the most part, and having the little hover definitely helped with platforming. I would've liked some indication of how long the boost recharge takes, I was never able to focus long enough to figure out exactly how many seconds it takes. Also as a side note, I was hoping the little boat pickup would allow me to walk on water or something but sadly not :(

Back to the positives I think the art and level design was very nice, it all reminded me of a quirky Doom wad with Minecraft textures. I loved how you were able to implement many of the modifiers, especially with the dino, and the gravity switching boss was a real treat!

I have to admit though, for the most part the game doesn't feel "so bad its good" as much as a good game with some odd flaws. That being said, I much prefer a game lean towards more good than bad for this jam. Most importantly it was entertaining!

Excellent work!