I always love seeing callbacks to previous jams, and this time from a previous winner no less!
Much like gurtles first outing, it's very cute and janky, with some absolutely beautiful voice acting! Seriously though sitting through that whole intro was a treat! And the music was very much "so bad its good" with the low quality recorder soundtrack.
I like the TMNT design of Gurtle with the boxer shorts, and it was neat trying to platform around the room without jumping on the sleeping Gurtle.
I will say though it was kinda confusing platforming at first since it wasn't clear what was a solid object or just background. And with the headboard of the bed being a platform I found it hard to hit the lower down bubbles.
And I liked the leaderboard idea, I just barely managed to squeeze into 10th, but I could tell I sucked at the game.
Good work though, I enjoyed it!