Sorry for delay, traveling during the weekend. If I set a video to equirectangular when it does not auto detect it will automatically apply the settings. Although if I play a video that automatically starts in equirectangular then it will not apply the default.
I have to admit that the colors look great in equirectangular, so it never bothered me previously. Now that I am messing with it a bit more perspective is the only one I see a saturation problem in. I am mostly with a few tweaks using what was referenced in a year old thread's settings
It makes me wonder if the color settings/sharpness that is used from equirectangular can be applied to the perspective so would not even need to change the default. Edit: Well I guess I do see some saturation on certain colors on vr videos also, but not as intense. I would almost need a default per viewing mode, but that sounds like it would complicate the ui too much and more time on your part. If the default is fixed I can just set the default based on if I am viewing vr vs perspective videos as I would not be popping around quickly.