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I'm conflicted... Part of me wants the mc to find Marshall, but I also want Xavier to be happy, and I know he likes the mc. Just pls, don't make it so marshall turns out to be a Faded, and the mc has to kill him. It would ruin the entirety of what I have left of my mental health.

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Yeah, I think so too. He even introduced a masked figure to mess with our heads, but it would be too convenient.  + The Osiphirus guy seems to have a long straight tail, and Marshall's was curly. By the time mc realizes he fell in love with Xavier, he'll probably go like "I knew it all along, I just couldn't let myself believe it" or smt. 


I dunno man, MC x Xavier was pretty much my canon ship from the start. Marshall didn't have much of character or sceen time so I didn't really care about him that much.

i know i'm replying to a year old comment but Marshall is a very strong character, he's basically Dorian's(the mc) whole motivation. this is why we don't currently get romance over Dorian x Xavier cuz 1, Dorian doesn't want romance since he believes that Marshall will wait for him and 2, Dorian is literally grieving at this point