Been also thinking about the key to entering a vehicle - even like... being able to just click on it to enter would be nice. Gotta try and figure that out.
More vehicles - with a variety of purposes, would def be cool. Actually also been thinking about giving vehicles health / power stats so that they need to be fixed and/or charged every so often at the garage. Give the garage a little more purpose other than just being a different sort of crafting table.
Drones would be neat, I've been mostly thinking about them once there's more resource types - potentially ones that require going into hazardous areas.
The whole base-disaster system probably needs to be rethought. Right now every module tracks it's own airleak (or dirty solar panel), so there's the chance that every module could spring a leak at the exact same time. Or within a really short timeframe.
Might be better if I track base disasters on an entire contiguous base group level. (if that makes any sort of sense haha). That is: every 5-10 minutes, there's a chance ONE tile in your base will have something bad happen to it. That way you're not getting pummeled with constant leaks.